Biostratigraphic Zonation for the Cenomanian – SantonianSuccession of the Abu Sennan Oilfield,Abu Gharadig Basin, Egypt
Samah ElNahas, Mohamed Boukhary, Abdel-Mohsen M. Morsi, Mahmoud Faris, Omar H. Cherif, and Sami Morsi
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20 Mar 2025
Stratigraphy of the Lower Mississippian Lodgepole Formation of the Madison Group in the centralWilliston Basin, North Dakota, U.S.A.
William E. Yancey and Nicholas J. Hogancamp
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20 Mar 2025
The Bade Section (Dohuk Area, Northwest Iraq): A Reference Record for the K-Pg Boundary on the Arabian Plate
Basim Al-Qayim, Abdulrahman Bamerni, Rund Ali Hammoudi, and Fabrizio Frontalini
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20 Mar 2025
The global extent of Paleocene to Eocene deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal acmes
Michael A. Kaminski, Asmaa Korin, Syouma Hikmahtiar, Laia Alegret, and Anna Waskowska
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04 Dec 2024
Conodont biostratigraphy of the upper member of the Henryhouse Formation (late Ludfordian—Prídolí, Silurian), southern Oklahoma, USA
James E. Barrick, Gilbert Klapper, and F. Nicole Peavey
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04 Dec 2024
Microfossil biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of Cretaceous and Pliocene sediments along GreensMill Run, North Carolina, USA
Mikayla Dixon, Stephen J. Culver, David J. Mallinson, Brian T. Huber, Jean M. Self-Trail, Whittney E. Spivey, and W. Burleigh Harris
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04 Dec 2024
Sequence stratigraphic model for a Barremian-Aptian deltaic sandstone to carbonate platform transition (upper Biyadh and Sallah Formations, Central Saudi Arabia)
Abdullah Al-Mojel and Waheed Basrawi
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04 Dec 2024
Thanetian-Ypresian Alveolines from the Western Desert and the Nile Valley, Egypt
Safia G. Al Menoufy and Mohamed Boukhary
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20 Sep 2024
Chronology and Paleoenvironment of the Tunga Formation, a new lowermost Miocene sequence in the East Pisco Basin of southern Peru
Thomas J. DeVries, John A. Barron, Diana Ochoa, and Kristin McDougall
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20 Sep 2024
Estimating CaCO3 Content Based on Natural Gamma Ray (NGR) in Deep-Ocean Sediment Cores
Alina Shchepetkina, Paul Moal-Darrigade, Stephen Pekar, and Trevor Williams
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20 Sep 2024
Conodont biostratigraphy and biofacies of marine intervals in the Pennsylvanian middleMinnelusa Formation in the Black Hills region, South Dakota, U.S.A.
Nicholas J. Hogancamp
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20 Sep 2024
Oligocene–middle Miocene of the Mango-2 well, North El Fayrouz Offshore Field, Mediterranean Sea, Egypt
Omnya Kotb, Ahmed A. Ismail, Mohamed Boukhary, and Safa Sharabi
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15 Jun 2024
Revision of Uppermost Cambrian (Furongian series) to Lowest Ordovician (Tremadocian stage) stratigraphy in Eastern Nevada, USA
James F. Miller, Benjamin F. Dattilo, Rebecca L. Freeman, John E. Repetski, Kevin R. Evans, Robert L. Ripperdan, and Raymond L. Ethington
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15 Jun 2024
NORTH AMERICAN COMMISSION ON STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE Report 16 - Revision of Articles 7 and 20 of the North American Stratigraphic Code to Address Culturally Offensive or Inappropriate Unit Names and to Encourage the Use of Indigenous Place Names
Robert B. MacNaughton, Lynn T. Dafoe, and James W. Haggart
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15 Jun 2024
Calcareous nannofossil distribution in the upper Maastrichtian–lower Thanetian interval in the Izeh zone (Southwest Iran): biostratigraphic framework and stage boundary identification in the Eastern Tethys
Saeedeh Senemari, Fabrizio Frontalini, Arman Jafarian, and Marziyeh Notghi Moghaddam
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15 Mar 2024
Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO): The first record based on planktonic foraminifera and stable isotopes from SW Anatolia/Turkiye
Deniz Ibilioglu and Fatih Koroglu
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15 Mar 2024
A new Oligocene–lowermostMiocene succession from the Gawran Gorge, NE Sagirma Anticline, Qaradagh, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq
Pshtiwan M. Ahmad, Soran O. A. Kharajiany, and Araz O. S. Al-Khafaf
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15 Mar 2024
Vase-shaped microfossils and possible trochamminid foraminifera from the Ediacaran Dhaiqa Formation of Saudi Arabia
Muhammad Hammad Malik, Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, Adhipa Herlambang, Khalid Al-Ramadan, and Michael A. Kaminski
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15 Mar 2024
Designation of a composite-stratotype section for the lower Paleocene (Danian) Brightseat Formation in Prince George’s County, Maryland, USA
Jean M. Self-Trail, Mercer Parker, David L. Govoni, Laurel M. Bybell, Kristina F. Gardner, and Gregory S. Gohn
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15 Dec 2023
Neogene-Quaternary Mediterranean calcareous nannofossil biozonation and biochronology: A review
Agata Di Stefano, Niccolo Baldassini, Isabella Raffi, Eliana Fornaciari, Alessandro Incarbona, Alessandra Negri, Sergio Bonomo, Giuliana Villa, Enrico Di Stefano, and Domenico Rio
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15 Dec 2023
Sedimentology, T-R sequence stratigraphy and geochemical characterization of sedimentary successions of the West and Central African Rift System, Koum Basin
Junior Agbor Taku, Olivier Anoh Njoh, Nicoline Ngum Fon, and Moise Bessong
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15 Dec 2023
Biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Minjur and Marrat Formations (Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic) in Kuwait
Sandra Crespo de Cabrera, Thomas de Keyser, Ghaida Al-Sahlan, Hajar A. Al-Wazzan, and Adi P. Kadar
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15 Sep 2023
Early Pliocene (Zanclean) stratigraphic framework for PRISM5/PlioMIP3 time slices
Harry J. Dowsett, Marci M. Robinson, Kevin M. Foley, Stephen J. Hunter, Aisling M. Dolan, and Julia C. Tindall
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15 Sep 2023
Report 15 - Revised Articles 2, 61 and 62 of the North American Stratigraphic Code to Formalize Chemostratigraphic Units
Robert W. Scott, Carlton E. Brett, Richard H. Jr. Fluegeman, Brian R. Pratt, and Ed Landing
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15 Sep 2023
Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Fusulinids of the Bug Scuffle Limestone Member of the Gobbler Formation, Sacramento Mountains, South-Central New Mexico
Gregory P. Wahlman and Benjamin Rendall
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15 Jun 2023
A new lithostratigraphic profile for Cretaceous to Paleogene successions in the West and Central African Rift System, Koum Basin, northern Cameroon
Phoebe Ursala Mbafor, Nicoline Ngum Fon, Olivier Anoh Njoh, Junior Agbor-Taku, and Moise Bessong
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15 Jun 2023
High resolution sequence stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous rocks of the Jaisalmer Basin
Rajesh Pandey, B. P. Noina, Soumya Jana, and A. S. Maurya
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15 Jun 2023
A method of establishing high-resolution isochronous stratigraphic framework in 3D seismic data volume
Feng Guo, Changshuan Ji, Shenghua Lai, and Lei Zhang
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15 Jun 2023
Conodonts and the correlation of the Lower Permian Yeso Group, New Mexico, USA
Spencer G. Lucas, Charles M. Henderson, James E. Barrick, and Karl Krainer
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15 Jun 2022
Stratigraphy and depositional environment of a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate platform and slope succession of the Paleogene Nisai Group, Pakistan
Aminullah Kakar, Akhtar Muhammad Kasi, Andrea Benedetti, and Aimal Khan Kasi
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15 Jun 2022
Evaluating the paleoenvironmental significance of sediment grain size in Bering Sea sediments during Marine Isotope Stage 11
Natalie S. Thompson and Beth E. Caissie
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16 Jun 2022
Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Turonian-Coniacian transition interval in the
Kopeh-Dagh sedimentary basin, NE Iran
Mohammad Haddadi, Mohammad Vahidinia, Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie, Meysam Shafiee Ardestani, and Dalila Zaghbib-Turki
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17 Jun 2022
Supplemental Data for Evaluating the paleoenvironmental significance of sediment grain size in Bering Sea sediments during Marine Isotope Stage 11
Natalie S. Thompson and Beth E. Caissie
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16 Jun 2022
Pridoli (Silurian) to Lochkovian (Early Devonian) conodonts and the Silurian-Devonian boundary interval in the Decatur Limestone and Ross Formation
in the Western Valley of Tennessee, USA
James E. Barrick and Mark A. Kleffner
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15 Mar 2022
Evolution and migration of conodonts and ammonoids near the end of Devonian recorded in distant localities
Jerzy Dzik, Nguyen Duc Phong, Nguyen Thi Thuy, and Przemyslaw Swis
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15 Mar 2022
Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and determination of the Santonian-Campanian boundary in the Zagros sedimentary basin, SW Iran
Meysam Shafiee Ardestani, Mohamad Vahidinia, Amir Hossein Rahiminejad, and Elham Bohloli
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15 Mar 2022
New Middle Permian (Capitanian) fusulinid genera from the Karakaya Complex, central Anatolia, Turkey: Taxonomic remarks
Cengiz Okuyucu and Ugar Kagan Tekin
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15 Mar 2022
Evolution and migration of conodonts and ammonoids near the end of Devonian recorded in distant localities - SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
Jerzy Dzik, Nguyen Duc Phong, Nguyen Thi Thuy, and Przemyslaw Swis
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15 Mar 2022
Environmental significance of benthic foraminifera and microfacies of central Tethyan Upper Triassic strata, central Iran
Hoseeinali Bagi, Asghar Atesampour, and Ali Rahimi
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25 May 2021
Oxygen isotope stratigraphy and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Lower Pleistocene in the Boso Peninsula, central Japan
Daisuke Kuwano, Yoshimi Kubota, Kanako Mantoku, and Koji Kameo
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27 May 2021
Integrated stratigraphy from a transgressive upper Oligocene section in NW Italy
Antonino Briguglio, Simone Crobu, Eleni Lutaj, and Michele Piazza
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01 Jun 2021
Cambrian ooids, their genesis and relationship to sea-level rise and fall: A case study of the Qingshuihe section, Inner Mongolia, China
Muhammad Riaz, Tehseen Zafar, Khalid Latif, Enzhao Xiao, and Shahid Ghazi
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08 Jun 2021
Oxygen isotope stratigraphy and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Lower Pleistocene in the Boso Peninsula, central Japan - Supplemental Files
- online
27 May 2021
Late Cretaceous (Turonian-Coniacian) sequence stratigraphy, sea level, and deltaic facies, Magothy Formation, U. S. Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain
Peter J. Sugarman, Kenneth G. Miller, James V. Browning, Peter P. McLaughlin, Jr., and Denise K. Kulhanek
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10 Mar 2021
Cretaceous (Aptian-Maastrichtian) stratigraphy of the Shiranish Islam area, northern Iraq
Stephen R. Packer, Kathryn L. Canner, and Ali Chalabi
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12 Mar 2021
Biostratigraphy of planktonic foraminifera in the Abtalkh Formation and determination of the Santonian/Campanian Boundary in the Kopeh-Dagh Sedimentary Basin
Meysam Shafiee Ardestani, Mohamed Youssef, and Mohamad Vahidinia
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15 Mar 2021
Late Cretaceous (Turonian-Coniacian) sequence stratigraphy, sea level, and deltaic facies, Magothy Formation, U. S. Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain - Supplemental Figures
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10 Mar 2021
Cretaceous (Aptian-Maastrichtian) stratigraphy of the Shiranish Islam area, northern Iraq - Supplemental Files
- online
12 Mar 2021
An Austral radiolarian biozonation for the Paleogene
Christopher J. Hollis, Kristina M. Pascher, Annika Sanfilippo, Akiko Nishimura, Shin-ichi Kamikuri, and Claire L. Shepherd
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11 Dec 2020
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from maximum flooding surface J30, Middle Jurassic Dhruma Formation, Central Saudi Arabia
Michael A. Kaminski, Abduljamiu O. Amao, Lamidi O. Babalola, Ramona Balc, Septriandi A. Chan, Hafiz M. Gull, Ali Bu Khamsin, and Muhammad H. Malik
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11 Dec 2020
Depositional sequence stratigraphy of Turonian to Santonian sediments, Cape Fear arch, North Carolina Coastal Plain, USA
Wilma B. Aleman Gonzalez, Jean M. Self-Trail, W. Burleigh Harris, Jessica Pierson Moore, and Kathleen M. Farrell
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11 Dec 2020
NORTH AMERICAN COMMISSION ON STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE Report 14 - Revision of Articles 73, 81, 82 and Table 2 of the North American Stratigraphic Code to Formalize Subseries and Subepochs
Marie-Pierre Aubry, Richard Fluegeman, Lucy Edwards, Brian R. Pratt, and Carlton E. Brett
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11 Dec 2020
An Austral radiolarian biozonation for the Paleogene - Supplementary Material
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11 Dec 2020
Conodont biostratigraphy and stratigraphic framework of the Englewood Formation, Black Hills, South Dakota, U.S.A.
Nicholas J. Hogancamp and Aaron P. Rodriguez
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04 Jun 2020
The occurrence of Neoflabellina bioevents across the Coniacian/Santonian boundary in the Abderaz Formation, Kopeh-Dagh Basin, Iran
Meysam Shafiee Aredestani, Mohammad Vahidinia, and Mohamed Youssef
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09 Jun 2020
NORTH AMERICAN COMMISSION ON STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE Note 71 - Application for addition of chemostratigraphic units to the North American Stratigraphic Code:
Acase for formalizing chemostratigraphic units
Robert W. Scott, Carlton E. Brett, Richard H. Fluegeman, and Brian R. Pratt
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09 Jun 2020
Middle and Upper Jurassic strata of the Gotnia Basin, onshore Kuwait: Sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, integrated biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments, Part 2
Sandra Crespo de Cabrera, Thomas De Keyser, Hajar Al-Wazzan, Ghaida Al-Sahlan, Adi P. Kadar, Khalaf A. Karam, Stephen Packer, Stephen Starkie, and James Keegan
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31 Mar 2020
Improved conodont biostratigraphic constraint of the Carboniferous/Permian boundary
in south-central New Mexico, USA
Scott M. Ritter
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02 Apr 2020
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature Note 70: Records of the Stratigraphic Commission 2014-2017
Richard H. Fluegeman, Carlton E. Brett, Frank Brunton, Lucy E. Edwards, and Howard Harper
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07 Apr 2020
Lithostratigraphy and fusulinid biostratigraphy of the Upper Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian Riepe Spring Limestone at Spruce Mountain Ridge, Elko County, Nevada, U.S.A.
Michael T. Read and Merlynd K. Nestell
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12 Dec 2019
The discovery of a Mycenaean-type tholos tomb in the Bronze Age necropolis on the Gazzi buried floodplain (Messina, southern Italy): new geological and anthropological data
Roberta Somma, Laura Bonfiglio, Gabriella Mangano, Roberto Micciche, Gabriella Pavia, Luca Sineo, and Gabriella Tigano
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12 Dec 2019
Sedimentology, sequential analysis and paleoclimate associations of the upper Paleocene-lower Eocene Chouabine Formation at the Oued Thelja section, Gafsa Basin, Southern Tunisia
Abdel Majid Messadi, Besma Mardassi, Jamel Abdennaceur Ouali, and Jamel Touir
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12 Dec 2019
NORTH AMERICAN COMMISSION ON STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE Report 13 -- Revision of Articles 25-27 of the North American Stratigraphic Code to Allow Formal Submembers
Carlton E. Brett, Brian R. Pratt, and Ed Landing
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24 Dec 2019
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24 Dec 2019
The mid-Piacenzian of the North Atlantic Ocean
Harry J. Dowsett, Marci M. Robinson, Kevin M. Foley, Timothy D. Herbert, Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, and Whittney Spivey
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09 Aug 2019
Stratigraphy and lithology of the Logan Gulch Member of the Three Forks Formation in the type area and its regional stratigraphic framework
Nicholas J. Hogancamp, John C. Hohman, and John M. Guthrie
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10 Sep 2019
Middle and Upper Jurassic Strata of the Gotnia Basin, Onshore Kuwait: Sedimentology, Sequence Stratigraphy, Integrated Biostratigraphy and Palaeoenvironments, Part 1
Sandra Crespo de Cabrera, Thomas De Keyser, Ghaida Al-Sahlan, Al-Wazzan Hajar, Adi P. Kadar, and Khalaf A. Karam
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30 Sep 2019
Conodont and fusulinid biostratigraphy of the Strawn Group (Desmoinesian, Middle Pennsylvanian) and lower part of the "Wolfcamp Shale" (Missourian-Virgilian, Late Pennsylvanian) in the northern Midland Basin, West Texas
James E. Barrick and Gregory P. Wahlman
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20 Jun 2019
Earliest Miocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy from the low-latitude Pisco Basin (Peru)
Emilia R. Belia, Kevin E. Nick, Erika Bedoya Agudelo, and David K. Watkins
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20 Jun 2019
Biosteering carbonate reservoirs - the Upper Permian Khuff Formation of Saudi Arabia
G. Wyn Hughes, Hani Boukhamsin, Saleh Al-Enezy, Samir Rashid, A. Dhubaib, and Mohammed Alqattan
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06 Jul 2019
Sequence stratigraphic framework of the Wara and Ahmadi Formations, onshore Kuwait
Abdulkader H. Youssef, Ghaida Al-Sahlan, Adi P. Kadar, Khalaf A. Karam, Stephen Packer, Stephen Starkie, and Darrin Stead
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21 Mar 2019
Late Ordovician agglutinated foraminifera from the Ra'an Shale Member, Qasim Formation of Saudi Arabia as indicators of the O40 Maximum Flooding Surface
Michael A. Kaminski, Pramudya Perdana, Mohamed O. Abouelresh, and Lamidi Babalola
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27 Mar 2019
Geology and biostratigraphy of the Upper Floridan aquifer in the greater Savannah region, Georgia and South Carolina
Jean M. Self-Trail, Mercer Parker, John T. Haynes, Arthur P. Schultz, and Paul F. Huddlestun
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29 Mar 2019
Integrated Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Cauvery Basin, South India
Raghavendramurthy Nagendra, Addula Nallapa Reddy, Bomma Chikkanarayan Jaiprakash, Harry Gilbert, Yuri D. Zakharov, and Mamilla Venkateshwarlu
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28 Dec 2018
NORTH AMERICAN COMMISSION ON STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE Note 69 - Application for Addition of Subseries/Subepoch to the North American Stratigraphic Code
Marie-Pierre Aubry, Richard Fluegeman, Lucy Edwards, Brian R. Pratt, and Carlton E. Brett
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11 Feb 2019
Reappraisal of Oligocene-Miocene chronostratigraphy and the Mi-1 event: Ocean Drilling Program Site 744, Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean
Andrew J. Fraass, R. Mark Leckie, Robert M. DeConto, Chelsea McQuaid, Stephen Burns, and James C. Zachos
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15 Feb 2019
Sedimentology of the Belfast Member of the Brassfield Formation (Silurian, western Ohio and northern Kentucky, U.S.A): Implications for regional sea-level changes and tectonics
Michael J. Zaleha
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28 Feb 2019
Supplemental Table 1 - Fraass et al. Reappraisal of Oligocene-Miocene chronostratigraphy and the Mi-1 event: Ocean Drilling Program Site 744, Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean
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28 Feb 2019
Supplemental Table 2 - Fraass et al. - Reappraisal of Oligocene-Miocene chronostratigraphy and the Mi-1 event: Ocean Drilling Program Site 744, Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean
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28 Feb 2019
Stratigraphy and larger benthic foraminifera of Middle Eocene to Middle Miocene rocks along the Tobruk-Al Bardia scarps, northeastern Cyrenaica, Libya
Esam O. Abdulsamad, Salah S. El-Ekhfifi, and Ahmed M. Muftah
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24 Sep 2018
The significance of dinoflagellates in the Miocene Choptank Formation beneath the Midlothian gravels in the southeastern Virginia Piedmont
Lucy E. Edwards, Robert E. Weems, Mark W. Carter, David B. Spears, and David S. Powars
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24 Sep 2018
The biostratigraphy of the Bakken Formation: A review and new data
Nicholas J. Hogancamp and David T. Pocknall
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24 Sep 2018
Toarcian-Bathonian palynostratigraphy and anoxic event in Pakistan: An organic geochemical study
Fahad Ali, Sajjad Ahmad, Suleman Khan, Muhammad Hanif, and Jin Qiang
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25 Sep 2018
Stratigraphic and Paleoclimatic Reconstruction of the Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian strata from the Southern Gondwanaland remnants in Pakistan
Sajjad Ahmad, Majid Ullah, Subhan Ullah, Suleman Khan, Yahya Khan, Irfan Ullah Jan, Khaista Rehman, Mohibullah Mohibullah, Atta Ullah, and Sohaib Jan
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31 Jul 2018
Geology of theMississippian Kearsarge Formation
in east-central California and its importance in interpretation
of the effects of an Antler-age deformational event
on its foreland basin
Calvin H. Stevens and Donald A. Peters
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31 Jul 2018
NORTH AMERICAN COMMISSION ON STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE Note 68 – Application for Addition of Submembers to the North American Stratigraphic Code: A Case for Formalizing Lithostratigraphic units of Intermediate Rank
Carlton E. Brett, Brian R. Pratt, and Ed Landing
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31 Jul 2018
New members of the Cutoff Formation in the southern Guadalupe Mountains near the Global Stratotype Section and Point for the base of the Roadian Stage, Texas
Gregory S. Hurd, Charles Kerans, Shawn Fullmer, and Xavier Janson
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31 Jul 2018
Lithostratigraphic subdivisions of the Mesoproterozoic Copper Harbor Formation (Oronto Group) in Michigan and Wisconsin, USA
Steven D. J. Baumann, Sandra K. Dylka, and David H. Malone
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31 Jul 2018
Lithologies, ages, and provenance of clasts in the Ordovician Fincastle Conglomerate, Botetourt County, Virginia, USA
Harvey E. Belkin, John E. Repetski, Frank T. Dulong, and Nelson L. Hickling
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28 Feb 2018
Sedimentological and stratigraphic associations of Earlandia (Foraminifera) from the Lower Triassic Khuff carbonates in central Saudi Arabia
Ammar Adam and Michael A. Kaminski
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28 Feb 2018
Middle Jurassic planktonic foraminifera in Saudi Arabia – a new biostratigraphical marker for the J30 maximum flooding surface in the Middle East
Michael A. Kaminski, Septriandi A. Chan, Ramona Balc, Hafiz Mehtab Gull, Abduljamiu O. Amao, and Lameed O. Babalola
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28 Feb 2018
Planktonic foraminifera and dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Cretaceous Abderaz Formation in the Koppeh-Dagh Basin, NE Iran
Elham Davtalab, Mohammad Vahidinia, Ebrahim Ghasemi-Nejad, and Alireza Ashouri
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01 Mar 2018
A tribute to H. Richard Lane (1942-2015)
Paul Brenckle
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15 Nov 2017
Late Early Carboniferous conodonts from a supposed Middle Devonian reef limestone of the Marrakech region (Morocco)
Sarah Zhor Aboussalam, Ralph Thomas Becker, Ahmed El Hassani, Stephan Eichholt, and Lahssem Baidder
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28 Nov 2017
A chronostratigaphic framework for the Carboniferous Kashagan buildup, Pre-Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan
Paul L. Brenckle and Joel F. Collins
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28 Nov 2017
Pennsylvanian conodont zonation of the Tapajos Group (Amazonas Basin, Brazil)
Cassiane N. Cardoso, Javier Sanz-Lopez, and Silvia Blanco-Ferrera
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28 Nov 2017
Depositional environments, microfacies, and stratigraphic architecture of the Kashagan isolated buildup (Carboniferous), Pre-Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan
Joel F. Collins and Paul L. Brenckle
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28 Nov 2017
Subaerial exposures in the Tournaisian (Lower Carboniferous) of the central Carnic Alps (Italy)
Carlo Corradini, Angelo Mossoni, Monica Pondrelli, Luca Simonetto, Claudia Spalletta, and Roberto Zucchini
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28 Nov 2017
Transgressive-regressive cycles in the metalliferous, oil shale-bearing Heath Formation (Upper Mississippian), central Montana
Julie A. Dumoulin, Craig A. Johnson, Karen D. Kelley, Palma Jarboe, Paul Hackley, Clint Scott, and John F. Slack
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28 Nov 2017
Floras characteristic of Late Pennsylvanian peat swamps arose in the late Middle Pennsylvanian
Scott D. Elrick, W. John Nelson, Philip R. Ames, and William A. DiMichele
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28 Nov 2017
The Dzerzhinka Section (eastern slope of the South Urals): an overview of the fauna and facies around the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary
Yuriy A. Gatovsky, Svetlana V. Nikolaeva, Elena N. Gorozhanina, Elena I. Kulagina, Valery M. Gorozhanin, Alexander S. Alekseev, Anita G. Mizens, and Larisa I. Mizens
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28 Nov 2017
Geometric morphometric analysis of P1 element asymmetry in the Late Pennsylvanian conodont Idiognathodus magnificus Stauffer and Plummer 1932
Nicholas J. Hogancamp, Steven J. Rosscoe, and James E. Barrick
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28 Nov 2017
The Moscovian (Pennsylvanian) conodont genus Swadelina from Luodian, southern Guizhou, South China
Keyi Hu and Yuping Qi
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28 Nov 2017
The occurrence of Polygnathus tuberculatus in lag deposits near the Middle-Upper Devonian boundary and its stratigraphic range in the conodont zonation
Gilbert Klapper
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28 Nov 2017
Lithostratigraphy and microfossil biostratigraphy of the Pennsylvanian-lower Permian Horquilla Formation at New Well Peak, Big Hatchet Mountains, New Mexico, USA
Spencer G. Lucas, Karl Krainer, James E. Barrick, Daniel Vachard, and Scott M. Ritter
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28 Nov 2017
Journey to the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Boundary GSSP: a long and winding road
Walter L. Manger
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28 Nov 2017
Devonian and Carboniferous stratigraphy and conodont biostratigraphy of the Malay Peninsula in a regional tectonic context
Ian Metcalfe
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28 Nov 2017
Reconstruction of the skeletal apparatus of Flajsella Valenzuela-Rios and Murphy 1997 (Devonian conodont)
Michael A. Murphy and Jose I. Valenzuela-Rios
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28 Nov 2017
Late Mississippian-Middle Pennsylvanian conodont zonation of Ukraine
Tamara I. Nemyrovska
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28 Nov 2017
Conodonts, ammonoids, foraminifers, and depositional setting of the Serpukhovian and Bashkirian stages in the Kugarchi Section in the South Urals, Russia
Svetlana V. Nikolaeva, Elena I. Kulagina, Elena N. Gorozhanina, Alexander S. Alekseev, and Vera A. Konovalova
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28 Nov 2017
Benthic biostratigraphy of the upper Eifelian (Devonian) Hume Formation at Hume River (type locality), northern MackenzieMountains, Northwest Territories, Canada
Alan E. H. Pedder
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28 Nov 2017
Impact of an icehouse climate interval on tropical vegetation and plant evolution
Hermann W. Pfefferkorn, Robert A. Gastaldo, and William A. DiMichele
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28 Nov 2017
Atokan (Middle Pennsylvanian) conodonts from laterally restricted pre-Cherokee units of southwestern Missouri
Thomas L. Thompson and Lance L. Lambert
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28 Nov 2017
Conodont biostratigraphy and T-R cycles of the Middle Devonian Hume Formation at Hume River (type locality), northern Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada
Thomas T. Uyeno, Alan E. H. Pedder, and Theodore A. Uyeno
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28 Nov 2017
The 'global' scheme of Pennsylvanian chronostratigraphic
units contrasted with the West European and North American
regional classifications: discussion of paleogeographic
zones/regions and problems of correlation
Robert H. Wagner
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28 Nov 2017
Leonardian (lower Permian) fusulinids from the Cibolo Formation, Chinati Mountains, Presidio County, Texas, USA
Gregory P. Wahlman, Christopher R. Pate, David M. Rohr, and Charles A. Ross
- online
28 Nov 2017
Neodymium isotope ratios and a positive d13C excursion: interpreting the connection between oceanographic and climate changes during the early Late Ordovician of Laurentia
Zachary A. Wright, Page C. Quinton, Ellen E. Martin, Stephen A. Leslie, Kenneth G. MacLeod, and Achim D. Herrmann
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28 Nov 2017
The symmetry of the rostrum as a key to taxonomy of advanced Siphonodella (Conodonta, Early Carboniferous)
Andrey V. Zhuravlev and Artem N. Plotitsyn
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28 Nov 2017
Unsung Pioneers of Sequence Stratigraphy: Eliot Blackwelder, Joseph Barrell, Amadeus Grabau, John Rich and Harry Wheeler
S. George Pemberton, Janok P. Bhattacharya, James A. MacEachern, and Erin A. L. Pemberton
- online
10 May 2017
Planktonic foraminiferal zonation and sea-level changes in the upper Maastrichtian-middle Danian successions of Meghalaya, India
Sanjay Kumar Mukhopadhyay
- online
11 May 2017
Paleogene Nummulitid biostratigraphy of the Kohat and Potwar Basins in north-western Pakistan with implications for the timing of the closure of eastern Tethys and uplift of the western Himalayas
Sajjad Ahmad, Dick Kroon, Sue Rigby, and Suleman Khan
- online
11 May 2017
A simple rubric for Stratigraphic Fidelity (ß) of Pliocene paleoenvironmental time-series
Harry J. Dowsett, Marci M. Robinson, and Kevin M. Foley
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10 May 2017
The Marcellus subgroup in the type area, central New York State
Erika M. Danielsen, D. Jeffrey Over, Gordon C. Baird, and Charles A. Ver Straeten
- online
14 Apr 2017
Lithostratigraphic interpretation and redefinition of the sedimentary clastic assemblage (Bayfield Group, and Jacobsville Sandstone) in Michigan and Wisconsin, USA and Ontario, Canada
Steven D. J. Baumann, Alexandra B. Cory, and Sandra K. Dylka
- online
14 Apr 2017
A revised Plio-Pleistocene age model and paleoceanography of the northeastern Caribbean Sea: IODP Site U1396 off Montserrat, Lesser Antilles
Andrew J. Fraass , Deborah Wall-Palmer, R. Mark Leckie, Robert G. Hatfield, Stephen J. Burns, Anne Le Friant, Osamu Ishizuka, Mohammed Aljahdali, Martin Jutzeler, Michael Martinez-Colon, Martin Palmer, and Peter J. Talling
- online
17 Apr 2017
Tectonic sequences of Triassic strata in the southern Ordos Basin, China
Yu Zhang, Yangyang Chen, Qichao Zhang, and Xianghong Meng
- online
14 Apr 2017
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
Report 12
Robert M. Easton, Lucy E. Edwards, Randall C. Orndorff, Manuel Duguet, and Ismael Ferrusquia-Villafranca
- online
14 Apr 2017
The Ordovician Exposed: Contributions from the 12th International Symposium on the Ordovician System
Stephen A. Leslie, Daniel Goldman, and Randall C. Orndorff
- online
13 Apr 2016
Proposed Auxiliary Boundary Stratigraphic Section and Point (ASSP) for the base of the Ordovician System at Lawson Cove, Utah, USA
James F. Miller, Kevin R. Evans, Raymond L. Ethington, Rebecca L. Freeman, James D. Loch, John E. Repetski, Robert L. Ripperdan, and John F. Taylor
- online
13 Apr 2016
Conodonts from the Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary in the Cordillera Oriental, NW Argentina
Guillermo L. Albanesi, M. Eugenia Giuliano, Fernanda E. Pacheco, Gladys Ortega, and c. Ruben Monaldi
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13 Apr 2016
Iberian Ordovician and its international correlation
Juan Carlos Gutiérrez-Marco, Artur A. Sá, Isabel Rábano, Graciela N. Sarmiento, Diego C. GarcÃa-Bellido, Enrique Bernárdez, Saturnino Lorenzo, Enrique Villas, Andrea Jiménez-Sánchez, Jorge Colmenar, and Samuel Zamora
- online
13 Apr 2016
Factors influencing conodont apatite 18O variability in the
Ordovician: a case study from New South Wales, Australia
Page C. Quinton, Ian G. Percival, Yong Yi Zhen, and Kenneth G. MacLeod
- online
13 Apr 2016
Apaired neodymium and oxygen isotopic perspective on paleoceanographic changes across the Dubuque/Maquoketa contact in the Late Ordovician Laurentian seaway
Kelsey Putman Hughes, Kenneth G. MacLeod, Shannon J. Haynes, Page C. Quinton, Ellen E. Martin, and Raymond Ethington
- online
13 Apr 2016
Milankovitch cycles in the Juniata Formation, Late Ordovician, Central Appalachian Basin, USA
Linda A. Hinnov and Richard J. Diecchio
- online
13 Apr 2016
Upper Ordovician (Sandbian-Katian) sub-surface stratigraphy of the Cincinnati Region (Ohio, USA): transition into the Sebree Trough
Allison L. Young, Carlton E. Brett, and Patrick I. McLaughlin
- online
13 Apr 2016
Refined stratigraphy of the Late Ordovician (Katian; Richmondian) Waynesville Formation across the northeastern and northwestern margin of the Cincinnati Arch
Christopher D. Aucoin and Carlton E. Brett
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13 Apr 2016
12th International Conference on the Ordovician System
- online
05 Jun 2015
PRE-CONFERENCE FIELD TRIP: Katian GSSP and Carbonates of the Simpson and Arbuckle Groups in Oklahoma
Jesse R. Carlucci, Daniel Goldman, Carlton E. Brett, Stephen R. Westrop, and Stephen A. Leslie
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30 May 2015
PRE-CONFERENCE FIELD TRIP: Ordovician of the Southern Appalachians, June 3rd – 7th, 2015
Achim Hermann and John T. Haynes
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30 May 2015
MID-CONFERENCE FIELD TRIP: Ordovician of Germany Valley, West Virginia, June 10th, 2015
John T. Haynes, Keith E. Goggin, Randall C. Orndorff, and Lisa R. Goggin
- online
28 Sep 2015
POST CONFERENCE FIELD TRIP: The Central Appalachians
John F. Taylor, Editor and James D. Loch, Editor
- online
28 Sep 2015
Preface to Upper Paleozoic stratigraphy of the southwest United States
Bruce R. Wardlaw and Merlynd K. Nestell
- online
03 Dec 2015
Stratigraphic framework and biostratigraphic significance of the terminal Guadalupian Reef Trail Member, Bell Canyon Formation in the Patterson Hills, Type Guadalupian Area, Texas
Gorden L. Bell, Jonena M. Hearst, Merlynd K. Nestell, Galina P. Nestell, and Lance L. Lambert
- online
03 Dec 2015
A new shelf-to-basin timeline for the Middle Permian (Guadalupian) Capitan Depositional System, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico, USA
Brian L. Nicklen, Gorden L. Bell, and Warren D. Huff
- online
07 Dec 2015
Tephrochronology of the Manzanita Limestone in the Middle Permian (Guadalupian) Type Area, West Texas and southeastern New Mexico, USA
Brian L. Nicklen, Gorden L. Bell, Lance L. Lambert, and Warren D. Huff
- online
07 Dec 2015
Regional implications of new chronostratigraphic and paleogeographic data from the Early Permian Darwin Basin, east-central California
Calvin H. Stevens, Paul Stone, and Robert T. Magginetti
- online
07 Dec 2015
Architecture and evolution of an Early Permian carbonate complex on a tectonically active island in east-central California
Calvin H. Stevens, Robert T. Magginetti, and Paul Stone
- online
07 Dec 2015
Stratigraphy and paleogeographic significance of a Late Pennsylvanian to Early Permian channeled slope sequence in the Darwin Basin, southern Darwin Hills, east-central California
Calvin H. Stevens, Paul Stone, Robert T. Magginetti, and Scott M. Ritter
- online
07 Dec 2015
Editorial: The value of formal subseries
John A. Van Couvering, Brian McGowran, and William A. Berggren
- online
03 Dec 2015
Conodont-based stratigraphy in the Devonian of the Serre Massif (southern Italy)
Pilar Navas-Parejo, Roberta Somma, Rosario Rodriguez Canero, Augustin Martin-Algarra, and Vincenzo Perrone
- online
14 May 2015
Amphimelissa setosa (Cleve) (Polycystina, Nassellaria) - a stratigraphic and paleoecological marker of migrating polar environments in the northern hemisphere during the Quaternary
Kjell R. Bjorklund, Kentaro Hatekeda, Svetlana B. Kruglikova, and Alexander G. Matul
- online
21 May 2015
NACSN- Note 67 – Application for Revision of Article 37,
Lithodemic Units, of the North American Stratigraphic Code
Robert M. Easton, Lucy E. Edwards, Randall C. Orndorff, Manuel Duguet, and Ismael Ferrusquia-Villafranca
- online
02 Jul 2015
The Triassic-Jurassic strata of the Newark Basin, USA:
Acomplete and accurate astronomically-tuned timescale?
Lawrence H. Tanner and Spencer G. Lucas
- online
02 Jul 2015
Late Cretaceous to early Paleogene foraminiferal biozones in the Tibetan Himalayas, and a pan-Tethyan foraminiferal correlation scheme
Marcelle K. BouDagher-Fadel, G. David Price, Xiumian Hu, and Juan Li
- online
23 Jul 2015
Eocene stratigraphy of the Wadi Al-Hitan World Heritage Site and adjacent areas (Fayum, Egypt)
Chris King, Charlie Underwood, and Etienne Steurbaut
Post-Collision Deposition of Balanga Formation in northwest
Mindoro, Philippines: Calcareous Nannofossil Evidence
Deborah N. Tangunan, Alyssa M. Peleo-Alampay, Jamila B. Abuda, Lara Angeli T. Mambuay, Camille Regina A. Ramos, Allan Gil S. Fernando, Carla B. Dimalanta, Decibel V. Faustino-Eslava, Chelo S. Pascua, and Edmundo P. Vargas Vargas
The neglected history of Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b: insights and new data from the Poggio le Guaine section (Umbria–Marche Basin)
Rodolfo Coccioni, Nadia Sabatino, Fabrizio Frontalini, Silvia Gardin, Marianna Sideri, and Mario Sprovieri
Conodont zones and related ash beds through the Permian-Triassic Boundary in South China
Ning Zhang, Wenchen Xia, Wenli Zhong, Qinglai Feng, Qiuling Gao, and Sha Wu
Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy from the middle/late Miocene of Malta and Gozo (Central Mediterranean)
Rita Catanzariti and Michael Gatt
Seismic and sequence stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous–Tertiary succession, eastern Abu-Gharadig Basin, Western Desert, Egypt
Mohamed Boukhary, Samah El Nahas, Ahmed Abd El Naby, Mohamed Hamed Abdel Aal, Mohamed Mahsoub, and Mahmoud Faris
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature Note 66: Records of Stratigraphic Commission, 2003-2013
Robert M. Easton, Octavian Catuneanu, Art D. Donovan, Richard H. Fluegeman, A. P. (Tony) Hamblin, Howard Harper, Norman P. Lasca, Jared R. Morrow, Randall C. Orndorff, Peter Sadler, Robert W. Scott, and Berry H. (Nick) Tew
Tempo and duration of short-term environmental perturbations across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary
Dorothee Husson, Bruno Galbrun, Silvia Gardin, and Nicholas Thibault
Morozovella gorrondatxensis (Orue-Etxebarria 1985) vs M. crater (Hornibrook 1958): taxonomy and significance for Early/Middle Eocene boundary biostratigraphy
Xabier Orue-Etxtebarria, Aitor Payros, Fernando Caballero, Estibaliz Apellaniz, Victoriano Pujalte, and Silvia Ortiz
Neogene history of the Carapita Formation, Eastern Venezuela Basin
Dennis Sanchez, Marie-Pierre Aubry, and Robert D. Liska
Quantitative conditions for the development of systems tracts
Istvan Csato and Octavian Catuneanu
Calibration of Eocene-Oligocene charophyte biozones in the Eastern Ebro Basin (Catalonia, Spain)
Josep Sanjuan, Carles Martin-Closas, Elisenda Costa, Xavier Barbera, and Miguel Garces
Stratigraphic review of the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician volcanosedimentary complexes from the northern Montagne Noire, France
J. Javier Alvaro, Blanca Bauluz, Sebastien Clausen, Lea Devaere, Andres Gil Imaz, Eric Monceret, and Daniel Vizcaino
Cenomanian through basal Coniacian Calcareous Nannofossil biostratigraphy of theMancos Shale reference section, Mesa Verde National Park, CO
Matthew J. Corbett and David K. Watkins
IGCP 591 – The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution: Special Volume in Honor of August F. Foerste
Bradley D. Cramer and Michael J. Melchin
The Ordovician-Silurian boundary (late Katian-Hirnantian) of western Anticosti Island: revised stratigraphy and benthic megafaunal correlations
Paul Copper, Jisuo Jin, and Andre Desrochers
New palynological data from the Upper Ordovician of the Precordillera Basin, Argentina: A potential key for understanding the geological history of the Precordillera terrain
G. Susana de la Puente and Claudia V. Rubinstein
Biostratigraphy of a Silurian ‘hot’ shale from western Iraq
David K. Loydell, Anthony Butcher, and Ali I. Al-Juboury
The Digital Integrated Stratigraphy Project (DISP) Development Phase II: On-site 3D access, analysis and integration of stratigraphic data using PCs and 3D Photorealistic Models
Michelle Iris Rodriguez-Gomez, Bradley D. Cramer, Brian Burnham, Miao Wang, Lu Chen, and Carlos L. V. Aiken
Integrating Magnetic Susceptibility Data with Sequence Stratigraphy in the Ironstone Bearing Successions (Lower Silurian) of Eastern North America
Nicholas B. Sullivan and Carlton E. Brett
Integrating Magnetic Susceptibility data with sequence stratigraphy - Appendix
Nicholas B. Sullivan and Carlton E. Brett
Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician D. clingani and P. linearis graptolite biozones on the Island of Bornholm, Denmark
Thijs R. A. Vandenbroucke, Philippe Recourt, Jaak Nolvak, and Arne T. Nielisen
An Early Ordovician conodont fauna from the Santa Rosita Formation at its type area in the Santa Victoria Range, Cordillera Oriental, Northwestern Argentina
Gustavo G. Voldman, Guillermo L. Albanesi, Cesar R. Monaldi, and Fernando J. Zeballo
Paleozoic stratigraphy of the Longi-Taormina Unit (PeloritanianMountains, southern Italy)
Roberta Somma, Pilar Navas-Parejo, Augustinq Martín-Algarra, Rosario Rodríguez-Cañero, Vincenzo Perone, and Carlos Martínez-Pérez
The Carboniferous-Permian boundary at Carrizo Arroyo, Central New Mexico, USA
Spencer G. Lucas, James E. Barrick, Karl Krainer, and Jorg W. Schneider
The Aktulagay section, west Kazakhstan: a key site for northern mid-latitude Early Eocene stratigraphy
Chris King, Alina Iakovleva, Etienne Steurbaut, Claus Heilmann-Clausen, and David Ward
Robert William O’Brien Knox
Introduction to Early Paleogene geohistory of Egypt: The Dababiya Quarry Corehole
William A. Berggren and Khaled Ouda
The Dababiya Quarry Corehole in Dababiya Natural Park, southern Nile Valley, Egypt
M. M. Senosy and A. Abdel-Sabour
Geophysical logging and magnetic susceptibility studies on the Dababiya Quarry Corehole, Dababiya Natural Park, southern Nile Valley, Egypt
M. M. Senosy and A. Abdel-Sabour
Data Report: Magnetic susceptibility measurements on Dababiya core
Benjamin S. Cramer
Lithostratigraphy of the upper Maastrichtian to lower Eocene succession in the Dababiya Corehole, Egypt
Christian Dupuis and Robert W. OBrien Knox
Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Paleocene/Eocene boundary interval in the Dababiya Quarry Corehole, Dababiya, Upper Nile Valley, Egypt
Khaled Ouda, William A. Berggren, and Ayman Abdel-Sabour
Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the upper Cretaceous to mid-Paleocene of the Dababiya Quarry Corehole, Upper Nile Valley, Egypt
Nageh Obaidalla
The Dababiya Quarry Core: Coccolith biostratigraphy
Marie-Pierre Aubry and Rehab Salem
Ammonites from the Dababiya Quarry Corehole: Taxonomic notes and age assessment
Stijn Goolaerts and Christian Dupuis
Uppermost Cretaceous to lowermost Eocene benthic foraminifera of the Dababiya Corehole, Upper Nile Valley, Egypt
Laia Alegret and Silvia Ortiz
Clay mineralogy in the Dababiya Quarry Corehole
Christian Dupuis
The Dababiya Core: A window into Paleocene to early Eocene depositional history in Egypt based on coccolith stratigraphy
Marie-Pierre Aubry and Rehab Salem
Paleocene depositional environments and depositional sequences in the Dababiya Quarry Corehole (Egypt)
Chris King
Summary and Conclusions
William A. Berggren
Appendix: Graphic logs of the upper Maastrichtian to lower early Eocene succession in the Dababiya Corehole, Egypt
Robert William OBrien Knox, Christian Dupuis, Chris King, and Ben Cramer
Pragian–Emsian successions in Uzbekistan and Bohemia: magnetic susceptibility logs and their dynamic time warping alignment
Jindrich Hladil, Ladislav Slavik, Martin Vondra, Leona Koptikova, Petr Cajchan, Petr Schnabl, Jiri Adamovic, Frantisek Vacek, Robert Vich, Lenka Lisa, and Pavel Lisy
Anew definition of the Letter Stages in the Philippine Archipelago
Kuniteru Matsumaru
Conodont-based correlation of marine units in lower Conemaugh Group (Late Pennsylvanian) in Northern Appalachian Basin
Philip H. Heckel, James E. Barrick, and Steven J. Rosscoe
Woodford conodonts and biotratigraphy (Upper Devonian – Carboniferous) in the subsurface of eastern New Mexico and Texas
D. Jeffrey Over and Stephen C. Ruppel
Frasnian (Late Devonian) foraminiferal biostratigraphy from Taurides, southern Turkey
Recep Özkan
Progress towards the definition of the Global Stratotype Section and Point of the Langhian Stage
Silvia Maria Iaccarino, Agata Di Stefano, and Elena Turco
Integrated stratigraphy of the La Vedova section (Conero Riviera, Italy) and implications for the Burdigalian/Langhian boundary
Elena Turco, Antonio Cascella, Rocco Gennari, Frits J. Hilgen, Silvia Maria Iaccarino, and Leonardo Sagnotti
High-resolution stratigraphy of the Contrada Pesciarello borehole succession (SE Sicily): a lower Langhian reference section for the Mediterranean region
Agata Di Stefano, Marina Verducci, Rosanna Maniscalco, Fabio Speranza, and Luca M. Foresi
Integrated stratigraphy of St. Peter’s Pool section (Malta): new age for the Upper Globigerina Limestone member and progress towards the Langhian GSSP
Luca M. Foresi, Marina Verducci, Niccolo Baldassini, Fabrizio Lirer, Roberto Mazzei, Salvatorini Gianfranco, Luciana Ferraro, and Simone Da Prato
Calcareous plankton events at the Early/MiddleMiocene transition of DSDP Hole 608: comparison with Mediterranean successions for definition of the Langhian GSSP
Agata Di Stefano, Marina Verducci, Antonio Cascella, and Silvia Maria Iaccarino
Revisiting the taxonomy of the intermediate stages in the Globigerinoides - Praeorbulina lineage
Elena Turco, Silvia Maria Iaccarino, Luca M. Foresi, Gianfranco Salvatorini, Federica Riforgiato, and Marina Verducci
Globorotalia mariae mariae and G. mariae gratiae: Two new planktonic Foraminifera from the middleMiocene of the Mediterranean
Gianfranco Salvatorini, Federica Riforgiato, and Marina Verducci
High-resolution integrated stratigraphy of the upper Burdigalian-lower Langhian in the Mediterranean: the Langhian historical stratotype and new candidate sections for defining its GSSP
Frits J. Hilgen, Marina Verducci, Fabio Speranza, Gianfranco Salvatorini, Leonardo Sagnotti, Bianca Russo, Federica Riforgiato, Roberto Mazzei, Rosanna Maniscalco, Fabrizio Lirer, Silvia Maria Iaccarino, Rocco Gennari, Luciana Ferraro, Simone Da Prato, Antonio Cascella, Niccolo Baldassini, Elena Turco, Luca M. Foresi, and Agata Di Stefano
Buried trees and basin tectonics: A discussion
Robin John Bailey
Precise age and biostratigraphic significance of the Kinney Brick Quarry Lagerstätte, Pennsylvanian of New Mexico, USA
Spencer G. Lucas, Bruce D. Allen, Karl Krainer, James Barrick, Daniel Vachard, Joerg W. Schneider, William A. DiMichele, and Arden R. Bashforth
A chronostratigraphy for the Dinaride Lake System deposits of the Livno-Tomislavgrad Basin: the rise and fall of a long-lived lacustrine environment
Arjan de Leeuw, Oleg Mandic, Wout Krijgsman, Klaudia Kuiper, and Hazin Hrvatovic
New biostratigraphical constraints on the lower Cambrian Ratcliffe Brook Formation, southern New Brunswick, Canada, from organic-walled microfossils
Teodoro Palacios, Soren Jensen, Sandra Barr, Chris E. White, and Randall F. Miller
Permian Sequence stratigraphy in east-central Iran: Microplate records of Peri-Tethyan and Peri-Gondwanan events
Sakineh Arefifard and Peter E. Isaacson
Mid-Latitude calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and biochronology across the middle to late Eocene transition
Eliana Forniaciari, Claudia Agnini, Rita Catanzariti, Domenico Rio, Eleonora M. Bolla, and Elisabetta Valvasoni
High-rank polycystine radiolarian taxa as temperature proxies in the Nordic Seas
Svetlana B. Kruglikova, Kjell R. Bjorklund, Jane K. Dolven, Oyvind Hammer, and Giuseppe Cortese
Foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the Oligocene-Miocene carbonate succession in Campos Basin, southeastern Brazil
Marcelle K. BouDagher-Fadel, G. David Price, and Eduardo A. M. Koutsoukos
Holocene to Recent Ostracoda of Lake Sevan, Armenia: biodiversity and ecological controls
Ian P. Wilkinson and Serozh Z. Gulakyan
The Gelasian question: options in the definition of Pleistocene for manuscripts submitted to our journals
The Editors
Pliocene Climate
Harry J. Dowsett and Rocio P. Caballero Gill
Sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Pliocene sea surface temperatures
Daniel J. Hill, Aisling M. Dolan, Alan M. Haywood, Stephen J. Hunter, and Danielle K. Stoll
The PRISM3D paleoenvironmental reconstruction
Harry J. Dowsett, Marci M. Robinson, Alan M. Haywood, Ulrich Salzmann, Daniel Hill, Linda Sohl, Mark Chandler, Mark Williams, Kevin Foley, and Danielle K. Stoll
Cooling upwelling regions along the California margin during the early Pliocene: evidence for a shoaling thermocline
Chelsea Reed-Sterrett, Petra S. Dekens, Lisa D. White, and Ivano W. Aiello
Low-latitude northern hemisphere oceanographic andclimatic responses to early shoaling of the Central American Seaway
Brendan P. Lutz
ePRISM: A case study in multiple proxy and mixed temporal resolution integration
Marci M. Robinson and Harry J. Dowsett
Mid-Piacenzian mean annual sea surface temperature: an analysis for data-model comparisons
Harry J. Dowsett, Marci M. Robinson, Danielle K. Stoll, and Kevin M. Foley
Early Pliocene Weddell Sea seasonality determined from bryozoans
Nicola Clark, Mark Williams, Beth Okamura, John Smellie, Anna Nelson, Tanya Knowles, Paul Taylor, Melanie Leng, Jan Zalasiewicz, and Alan Haywood
Early to mid-Pliocene environmentally constrained diatom assemblages from the AND-1B drillcore, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
Diane Winter, Charlotte Sjunneskog, and David Harwood
Mid-Piacenzian sea surface temperature record from ODP Site 1115 in the western equatorial Pacific
Danielle Stoll
Stratigraphy of Triassic-Jurassic boundary sequences from the Kawhia coast and Awakino gorge, Murihiku Terrane, New Zealand Part one of two
Kenichi Akikuni, Rie Hori, Vivi Vajda, Jack A. Grant-Mackie, and Minoru Ikehara
Stratigraphy of Triassic-Jurassic boundary sequences from the Kawhia coast and Awakino gorge, Murihiku Terrane, New Zealand Part Two of Two
Kenichi Akikuni, Rie S. Hori, Vivi Vajda, Jack A. Grant-Mackie, and Minoru Ikehara
Integrated stratigraphy of the Middle to Late Pliocene upper Miyazaki Group, southern Kyushu, Southwest Japan
Jumpei Morimoto, Motoyoshi Oda, Masayuki Torii, Shun Chiyonobu, Hidetoshi Shibuya, and Hanako Domitsu
Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy from the sedimentary cover of Troodos Massif, Northern Cyprus: Remarks on Aquitanian-Langhian biozonation
Aynur Hakyemez and Vedia Toker
Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the lower Black Bear Ridge section, British Columbia: candidate for the base-Norian GSSP
John-Paul Zonneveld, Tyler W. Beatty, Kenneth H. Williford, Michael J. Orchard, and Christopher A. McRoberts
Worldwide ammonite correlation at the Pliensbachian Stage and Substage Boundaries (Lower Jurassic)
Christian Meister
The Gelasian question: options in the definition of Pleistocene for manuscripts submitted to our journals
The Editors
New quantitative evidence of extreme warmth in the Pliocene Arctic
Marci M. Robinson
Jurassic radiolarite pulses from the Dorsale Calcaire (internal Rif, Morocco): A clue for correlating and interpreting the Tethyan radiolarites
Khalil El Kadiri, M. F. Horstemeyer, H. El Kadiri, and E. A. Pessagno, Jr.
Palynostratigraphy from the Lower devonian of the Paraná Basin, South Brazil, and a revision of contemporary chitinozoan biozones from Western Gondwana
The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary at Gams, Austria: Nannoplankton stratigraphy and geochemistry of a bathyal northwestern Tethyan setting
Hans Egger, Christian Koeberl, Michael Wagreich, and Herbert Stradner
Set in Stone: The work of the North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
Randall C. Orndorff
Divisions of geologic time – Major chronostratigraphic and geochronologic units
U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Names Committ
Thinking of deep time
Marie-Pierre Aubry
Terminology of geological time: Establishment of a community standard
Marie-Pierre Aubry, John A. VanCouvering, Nicholas Christie-Blick, Ed Landing, Brian R. Pratt, Donald E. Owen, and Ismael Ferrusquia-Villafranca
How to use stratigraphic terminology in papers, illustrations, and talks
Donald E. Owen
A guide to the application of lithostratigraphic terminology in Precambrian terrains
R. M. Easton
Do GSSPs render dual time-rock/time classification and nomenclature redundant?
Ismael Ferrusquia-Villafranca, Robert M. Easton, and Donald E. Owen
Layer by Layer: An account of the North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
Robert R. Jordan
Report 11—Revised Articles of Organization and Procedure of the North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
Donald E. Owen, Norman P. Lasca, and Lucy E. Edwards
The Neogene and Quaternary: chronostratigraphic compromise or non-overlapping magisteria?
Marie-Pierre Aubry, William A. Berggren, John Van Couvering, Brian McGowran, Frits Hilgen, Fritz Steininger, and Lucas Lourens
Numerical age calibration of the Albian/Cenomanian boundary
Robert W. Scott, Franscisca E. Oboh-Ikuenobe, Don G. Benson, and John M. Holbrook
Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the central Mediterranean Basin during the last 430,000 years
Allesandro Incarbona, Enrico Di Stefano, and Sergio Bonomo
Integrated Late Santonian-Early Campanian sequence stratigraphy, New Jersey Coastal Plain: Implications for global sea-level studies
Svetlana Mizintseva, James V. Browning, Kenneth G. Miller, Richard K. Olsson, and James D. Wright
Recognizing former flood-tide deltas in the Holocene stratigraphic record from the Outer Banks, North Carolina, USA
Christopher G. Smith, Stephen J. Culver, David J. Mallinson, Stanley R. Riggs, and D. Reide Corbett
High-resolution hydro- and geo-stratigraphy at Atlantic Coastal Plain drillhole CR-622 (Strat 8)
Beth M. Wrege and J. Jeffery Isely
Messinian salinity crisis revisited-II: New views of a vanished ocean
Vinicio Manzi, Silvia Maria Iaccarino, Stefano Lugli, and Marco Roveri
Modeling the magnitude and timing of evaporative drawdown during the Messinian salinity crisis
William B. F. Ryan
Is there a Messinian unconformity in the Central Paratethys?
Imre Magyar and Orsolya Sztano
The Bajo Segura Basin (SE Spain): implications for the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean margins
Jesus M. Soria, Jesus E. Caracuel, Hugo Corbi, Jaume Dinares-Turell, Carlos Lancis, Jose E. Tent-Manclus, and Alfonso Yebenes
Foraminiferal record and astronomical cycles: An example from the Messinian pre-evaporitic Gello Composite Section (Tuscany, Italy)
Federica Riforgiato, Luca Maria Foresi, Mauro Aldinucci, Robero Mazzei, Francesca Donia, Rocco Gennari, Gianfranco Salvatorini, and Fabio Sandrelli
The Trave section (Monte dei Corvi, Ancona, Central Italy): an integrated paleontological study of the Messinian deposits
Silvia Maria Iaccarino, Adele Bertini, Agata Di Stefano, Luciana Ferraro, Rocco Gennari, Francesco Grossi, Fabrizio Lirer, Vinicio Manzi, Elena Menichetti, Marianna Ricci Lucchi, Marco Taviani, Gioconda Sturiale, and Lorenzo Angeletti
The Messinian – Zanclean boundary in the Northern Apennine
Rocco Gennari, Silvia Maria Iaccarino, Agata Di Stefano, Gioconda Sturiale, Paola Cipollari, Vinicio Manzi, Marco Roveri, and Domenico Cosentino
A high-resolution stratigraphic framework for the latest Messinian events in the Mediterranean area
Marco Roveri, Adele Bertini, Domenico Cosentino, Agata Di Stefano, Rocco Gennari, Elsa Gliozzi, Francesco Grossi, Silvia Maria Iaccarino, Stefano Lugli, Vinicio Manzi, and Marco Taviani
Microbial communities in Messinian evaporite deposits of the Vena del Gesso (northern Apennines, Italy)
Giuliana Panieri, Stefano Lugli, Vinicio Manzi, Katarzyna A. Palinska, and Marco Roveri
Faunal assemblage and correlation of Kasimovian-Gzhelian Transition at Usolka Section, Southern Urals, Russia (a potential candidate forGSSP to define base of Gzhelian Stage)
V. I. Davydov, V. V. Chernykh, M. Schmitz, W. S. Snyder, and B. I. Chuvashov
Age calibration of dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch events in the Pliocene–Pleistocene of the eastern North Atlantic (DSDP Hole 610A)
Stijn De Schepper and Martin J. Head
Conodont biostratigraphy across the Carnian-Norian Boundary in the Jifukudani Creek, Tamba Terrane, SE Kyoto, Japan
Teiji Mikami, Keisuke Ishida, and Shigeyuki Suzuki
Chattian larger foraminifera from Risan Aneiza, northern Sinai, Egypt, and implications for Tethyan paleogeography
M. Boukhary, J. Kuss, and M. Abdelraouf
The Pliocene Pleshet Formation near Khassif, southern Israel, and its shallow marine ostracode fauna
S. Ilani, N. Mostafawi, A. Honigstein, and T. Minster
Upper Permian and lowermost Triassic stratigraphy, facies and ostracods in NW Iran - implications for the P/T extinction event
Wolfgang Mette
Review of Biostratigraphy: Microfossils and Geological Time,
Preface to: Radiolarians in Stratigraphy
Chris Hollis and David Lazarus
Late Cretaceous and Paleogene Radiolaria from the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: a tectonostratigraphic application
Alexandre N. Bandini, Kennet Flores, Peter O. Baumgartner, Sarah-Jane Jackett, and Percy Denyer
Late Jurassic radiolarian assemblages in the Southern Chichibu Terrane, western Kyushu, Southwest Japan
Naoto Ishida
A new low-latitude late Paleocene-early Eocene radiolarian biozonation based on unitary associations: applications for accreted terranes
Sarah-Jane Jackett, Peter O. Baumgartner, and Alexandre N. Bandini
Pliensbachian radiolarians in Teltschengraben (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria): a keystone in reconstructing the Early Jurassic evolution of the Tethys
Luis ODogherty and Hans-Jurgen Gawlick
Lower Jurassic (Hettangian-Sinemurian) radiolarian assemblages from black cherts in the Wakai accretionary complex, Ikuno area, Tamba Terrane, Southwest Japan
Radiolarian biostratigraphic constraints on the generation of the Nidar ophiolite and the onset of Dras arc volcanism: Tracing the evolution of the closing Tethys along the Indus – Yarlung-Tsangpo suture
Eocene-Pliocene planktonic foraminifera biostratigraphy from the continental margin of the southwest Caribbean
Daniel Rincon, Jose Arenas, Carlos H. Cuartas, Andres L. Cardenas, Carlos E. Molinares, Claudia Caicedo, and Carlos Jaramillo
Historical analysis and reinterpretation of the lower part of the Canyon Group (Missourian, Upper Pennsylvanian), Wise County, Texas: A fi ne can of worms
Merlynd K. Nestell and Rustin A. Kimball
Multi-factored stratigraphy and new correlation standards in the lower part of the Canyon Group (Missourian, Upper Pennsylvanian), Wise County, Texas: A can of worms untangled
Rustin A. Kimball and Merlynd K. Nestell
Holocene temperature variability in western Ireland: Evidence from limnic ostracode assemblages and stable isotope values
Neil E. Tibert, William A. Patterson, Aaron F. Diefendorf, and Anna Martini
Review of The New Zealand geological timescale, R.A. Cooper, Editor.
Brian McGowran
Beyond the GSSP: New developments in chronostratigraphy
Brian McGowran
A history of chronostratigraphy
Gian Battista Vai
Status of the hierarchical subdivision of higher order marine Cenozoic chronostratigraphic units
William A. Berggren
Unresolved issues in Cenozoic chronostratigraphy
Richard H. Fluegeman
Chronostratigraphic terminology: Building on principles
Marie-Pierre Aubry
Chronostratigraphy beyond the GSSP
Marie-Pierre Aubry
The scale-dependence of strata-time relations: implications for stratigraphic classification
Patrick Brenchley, Nigel Trewin, Philip Stone, Peter Rawson, Michael Oates, John Marshall, Robert Knox, F. John Greory, Philip Gibbard, David Cantrill, Jan Zalasiewicz, Paul R. Bown, Tiffanhy L. Barry, Colin Waters, John Powell, Andrew Gale, Mark Williams, Mark Hounslow, and Alan Smith
Defining the Quaternary: Where do we go from here?
Brad Pillans
Miocene Central Paratethys stratigraphy – current status and future directions
Werner E. Piller, Mathias Harzhauser, and Oleg Mandic
The new Russian Stratigraphic Code and some problems of stratigraphic classification
Yuri Gladenkov
Stratigraphy: gateway to geohistory and biohistory
Brian McGowran and Qianyu Li
Stratigraphy into the 21st century
Applications of quantitative biostratigraphy in chronostratigraphy and time scale construction
József Pálfy
Eo-Ulrichian to Neo-Ulrichian views: The renaissance of “layer-cake stratigraphyâ€
Carlton E. Brett, Patrick I. McLauglin, and Gordon C. Baird
Is there a role for sequence stratigraphy in chronostratigraphy?
Nicholas Christie-Blick, Stephen F. Pekar, and Andrew S. Madof
Astronomical tuning as the basis for high resolution chronostratigraphy: the intricate history of the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Frits Hilgen, Klaudia Kuiper, Wout Krijgsman, Eric Snel, and Erwin van der Laan
Cyclostratigraphy and the Astronomical Time Scale
Linda A. Hinnov and James G. Ogg
The future of the past: Geological time in the digital age
John A. Van Couvering and James G. Ogg
An integrated chemostratigraphic study of the Campanian-Early Maastrichtian deposits of the Offshore Miskar Field in southeastern Tunisia: SIS, d13C and d18O isotopes, and elemental geochemistry
Amina Mabrouk, Ian Jarvis, Habib Belayouni, Richard T. J. Moody, and Sandra de Cabrera
Radiolarian and conodont biozonation in the pelagic Guadalupian–Lopingian boundary interval at Dachongling, Guangxi, South China, and mid-upper Permian global correlation
Biostratigraphy and strontium isotope dating of Oligocene-Miocene strata, East Java, Indonesia
Wenchen Xia, Ning Zhang, Youshitaka Kakuwa, and Lili Zhang
Hydrostratigraphy of the New Jersey Coastal Plain: Sequences and facies predict continuity of aquifers and confining units
Essam F. Sharaf, Marcelle K. BouDagher-Fadel, J. A. (Toni) Simo, and A. R. Carroll
Review of A Geologic Time Scale 2004 by F. M. Gradstein, J. Ogg and A. Smith.
William A. Berggren
Editorial – Rock, time, and reconsideration
The Massignano Eocene-Oligocene golden spike section revisited
Caroline A. Van Mourik and Henk Brinkhuis
Jurassic and Cretaceous transgressive-regressive (T-R) cycles, Northern Gulf of Mexico, USA
Ernest A. Mancini and T. Markham Puckett
Tectonostratigraphy of the Khoy Complex, northwestern Iran
Mohammad Ghazi, Emile A. Pessagno, Mohsen Kariminia, R. A. Duncan, and A. A. Hassanipak
The Sparnacian deposits of the Paris Basin: A lithostratigraphic classification
Marie-Perre Aubry, Medard Thiry, Christian Dupuis, and William A. Berggren