Established 1955
Established in 1955, the journal is published online with a subscription to print copies as an added option in six issues per year. The journal’s mission is to publish peer-reviewed research on the morphology, systematics, biology, ecology, and biostratigraphy of eukaryotic microfossils and their modern representatives.
Subscribers have direct access to all issues from vol. 1 no. 1 without restriction, via IP registration or password. Supported articles and abstracts from all issues are available here in open public access.
Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy are combined for a total of 10 issues, published as ready. Subscriptions are on annual basis, with all issues of the volume included. Printed copies add $17.50 per issue, to cover the cost of production and mailing. Pdfs of individual articles can be purchased at a price of $29 by sending an email to Discounted online subscriptions for unsupported individual professionals and students require approval by the editorial office.