The upper member of the Henryhouse Formation constitutes a succession of moderately argillaceous carbonate mudstone and calcareous shale that crops out in the Arbuckle Mountain region in southern Oklahoma. In the central and southern Arbuckles, the thick upper member of less argillaceous carbonate strata (up to 100 m) rests disconformably on the thin lower member (Gorstian-early Ludfordian) and the unconformity coincides with the mid-Ludfordian Lau Event and carbon isotope excursion (CIE). On the Lawrence Uplift the upper member rests unconformably on the lower, Sheinwoodian part of the Clarita Formation. Five successive conodont faunas occur in the upper member: a thin basal interval characterized by Jeppssonia n. gen. (J. snajdri-J. crispa group); an interval lacking age-diagnostic conodonts; a thick interval characterized by Oulodus elegans elegans, Belodella anfracta, Zieglerodina altidens n. sp., Panderodus cernus n. sp., and Dapsilodus terminus n. sp, a fourth thin interval of Ou. elegans detortus, and a fifth thin interval with the acme of B. coarctata that extends up to the top of the Henryhouse. The Jeppssonia fauna is late Ludfordian in age, the undiagnostic interval may be late Ludfordian or early Prídolí in age, and the upper three faunas are Prídolí in age. The diverse shelly fauna of the Henryhouse Formation does not occur in the lower member and nearly all collections of shelly fossils were obtained from strata of the upper Henryhouse bearing the upper three Prídolí conodont faunas.


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