Established 2004
The journal’s mission is to publish peer-reviewed papers that use modern stratigraphic tools – biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, climatostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, GSSPs and more – to explore broad ideas in earth history.
Stratigraphy is the journal of record for the North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, established in 2004. The journal is published online with a subscription to print copies as an added option in four issues per year. As the sister journal of Micropaleontology, Articles can be downloaded by IP-controlled access to connections in the subscribing organization, or by password-controlled access as requested.
Stratigraphy subscriptions are jointly included with Micropaleontology, and are also available separately. The issues are delivered online, either through IP-controlled access to all users in the subscribing organization, or by password for those using commercial servers.
Subscriptions are on annual basis, with all issues of the volume included. Printed copies add $17.50 per issue to cover production and mailing. Pdfs of individual articles can be purchased at a price of $29 by sending an email to Discounted online subscriptions for unsupported individual professionals and students require approval by the editorial office. Printed copies add $17.50 per issues to cover costs.