ABSTRACT: TheQom Formation of Central Iran consists of carbonates, evaporates and clastics in several depositional cycles, divided into nine members in the type area around Qom city, as best exemplified in the Dobaradar section. Each cycle starts with carbonates, followed by terrestrial and finally evaporate deposits. Despite their significant thicknesses the only fossiliferous strata in the Qom Formation are shallow marine deposits, in which foraminiferal assemblages are mostly benthic, with planktic forms in relatively low abundance. The larger benthic foraminifera in the Qom beds, in particular those of the widely distributed family Miogypsinidae, are studied here on the basis of biometric characters that have not been previously recorded in Iran. Biostratigraphic control, provided by planktic foraminifera in sites where they occur in sufficient abundance, confirms an early Miocene age for the entire Qom sequence, with a younger age for the miogypsinid assemblage than in neighboring areas.