Volume 71, No. 2 posted Mar 2025

  1. The Enduring Legacy: A Scientometric Analysis of Foraminiferal Research Over Two Centuries
    Abduljamiu O. Amao, Michael A. Kaminski, and Fabrizio Frontalini - online
  2. Early Paleocene foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton assemblages in deep-sea environments of the northern Eastern Carpathians (Romania)
    Raluca Bindiu-Haitonic, Ramona Balc, Szabolcs-Attila Kovecsi, Zoltan Csiki-Sava, and Sorin Filipescu - online
  3. Estuarine foraminifera as an effective measure of benthic ecological quality status in Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico
    Benjamin G. Shirey, Michael Martinez-Colon, Charles Jagoe, Olugbenga T. Fajemila, Angel Dieppa, and Benjamin Mwashote - online
  4. A first look into the Holocene calcareous dinoflagellate cyst record of the eastern Arabian Sea
    Prem Raj Uddandam, Abha Singh, and Abhijit Mazumder - online
  5. The new genus Bolivilongella (Family Bolivinoididae) from the Miocene of the Mango-2 well, Mediterranean Sea, Egypt
    Ahmed A. Ismail, Mohamed Boukhary, Safaa A. Sharabi, and Omnya A. Kotb - online
  6. Rhizoliths from a Middle Miocene hypersaline lagoon in the Central Paratethys Sea (late Badenian, Serravallian, Austria)
    Matthias Kranner, Mathias Harzhauser, and Viola Winkler - online
  7. Quinqueloculina haywardi nom. nov. a replacement name for Quinqueloculina massiliniformis Parker, 2009 non Quinqueloculina massiliniformis Putrya, 1963
    Justin H. Parker and Francois Le Coze - online

Volume 71, No. 1 posted Jan 2025

  1. Taxonomy and distribution of living species of the genus Lenticulina in Icelandic waters
    Gudmundur Gudmundsson - online
  2. Unilocular hyaline foraminifera of the “Fornasini Collection” at the Giovanni Capellini Geological Museum (Italy)
    Stefano Claudio Vaiani and Anna Maria Borsetti - online
  3. Distribution of benthic foraminifera from carbonate atolls in the Spratly Islands of the South China Sea: Louisa and Royal Charlotte Reefs
    Sulia Goeting, Fyfee Shahrin, Laszlo Kocsis, Amajida Roslim, Claudia Baumgartner-Mora, and Antonino Briguglio - online
  4. Flabellogaudryina n.gen, a new agglutinated foraminiferal genus from the Eocene of Saudi Arabia
    Michael A. Kaminski and Asmaa Korin - online
  5. Crotalia jafari: a new weakly calcified holococcolithophore genus and species from the Southwest Indian Ocean
    Shramik Patil, Rahul Mohan, Sahina Gazi, Pooja Ghadi, and Xavier Crosta - online

Volume 70, No. 5 posted Aug 2024

  1. Dasycladalean algae from Middle-Upper Triassic limestones of North Dobrogea (SE Romania)
    Ioan I. Bucur, Eugen Gradinaru, Iuliana Lazar, George Ples, and Cristian Victor Mircescu - online
  2. Alisphaera crostae sp. nov. (Prymnesiophyceae), a new extant coccolithophore from the Southwest Indian Ocean
    Shramik Patil, Rahul Mohan, Syed A. Jafar, Sahina Gazi, and Pooja Ghadi - online
  3. Berriasian–Valanginian calpionellid biostratigraphy and associated microfossils from the upper Pimienta and lower Tamaulipas formations (Hidalgo state, Mexico): paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographic significance
    Lourdes Omana and Fernando Nunez-Useche - online
  4. On the status and occurrence of the foraminiferal genera Nubecularia and Sinzowella in the late Middle Miocene of the Paratethys Sea
    Werner E. Piller and Mathias Harzhauser - online
  5. Taxonomy of Ostracoda (Subfamilies Cytherurinae and Paracytherideinae) from the Southern and Eastern Brazilian Continental Shelves
    Maria Ines Feijo Ramos, Joao Carlos Coimbra, and Cristianini Trescastro Bergue - online
  6. An appraisal of taxonomic issues in Lower to mid-Cretaceous mesorbitolinids (larger benthic foraminifera)
    Felix Schlagintweit - online
  7. First description of soft body parts of Coquimba (Ostracoda, Hemicytheridae)
    Hyunsu Yoo, Anna B. Jost, and Ivana Karanovic - online
  8. Diversity, biostratigraphy and paleobiogeographic distribution of Bagginoides, two new species of benthic foraminifera from Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene deposits of Western Siberia
    Yaroslav S. Trubin, Vladimir A. Marinov, Pavel V. Smirnov, and Alina Winkler - online
  9. Transfer of the Brent Wilson microfossil collection to the European Micropalaeontological Reference Centre
    Michael A. Kaminski and Justyna Kowal - Kasprzyk - online

Volume 70, No. 3 posted May 2024

  1. Paleoceanographic Significance of Calcareous Nannofossil Assemblages in the Tropic Shale of Utah during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary
    Victoria Fortiz, Rosie Oakes, F. Garrett Boudinot, Matthew M. Jones, R. Mark Leckie, Amanda Parker, Bradley B. Sageman, Julio Sepúlveda, and Timothy J. Bralower - online
  2. Biometric analysis of the calcareous nannofossil group reticulofenestrids from the Oligocene to the Miocene
    Nobuhiro Doi and Koji Kameo - online
  3. Biostratigraphy and sedimentation rate estimation of Quaternary sediments of the Krishna-Godavari Basin, Bay of Bengal: Evidence from NGHP-01 Holes 10D, 5C and 3B
    Ajoy K. Bhaumik, Swagata Chaudhuri, Shiv Kumar, Satabdi Mohanty, Lopamudra Roy, Amit K. Ghosh, Sarmistha Chowdhury, and Tankadhar Behara - online
  4. Clypeina? pamelareidae n. sp., a new dasycladalean alga from the Upper Triassic of Lime Peak (Yukon, Canada)
    Ioan I. Bucur, Nicolò Del Piero, and Rossana Martini - online
  5. Discerning species among the foraminiferal “Rotalia skourensis” morphotypes of the Middle East
    Lorenzo Consorti, Borhan Bagherpour, and Masoumeh Soleimani - online
  6. Paleocene and Eocene deep-water benthic foraminifera at IODP Site U1511, Tasman Sea: Part 2
    Michael A. Kaminski, Asmaa Korin, Syouma Hikmahtiar, Laia Alegret, and Anna Waskowska - online
  7. Upper Eocene benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Western Siberia (Trans-Ural Region): a multi-proxy approach to infer environmental changes
    Yaroslav S. Trubin, Vladimir A. Marinov, Pavel V. Smirnov, Andrey A. Novoselov, and Martin R. Langer - online
  8. Biometric analysis of the calcareous nannofossil group reticulofenestrids from the Oligocene to the Miocene - Supplemental Data
    Nobuhiro Doi and Koji Kameo - online

Volume 69, No. 4-5 posted Aug 2023

  1. Advances in the biostratigraphy of Paleogene larger benthic foraminifera

    Antonino Briguglio and Michael A. Kaminski - online
  2. A new definition of the Paleocene Shallow Benthic Zones (SBP) by means of larger foraminiferal biohorizons, and their calibration with calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy
    Cesare Andrea Papazzoni, Beatrice Fornaciari, Luca Giusberti, Michela Simonato, and Eliana Fornaciari - online
  3. Supplemental files for A new definition of the Paleocene Shallow Benthic Zones (SBP) by means of larger foraminiferal biohorizons, and their calibration with calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy

    Cesare Andrea Papazzoni, Beatrice Fornaciari, Luca Giusberti, Michela Simonato, and Eliana Fornaciari - online
  4. Priabonian (upper Eocene) larger foraminifera from the Helvetic Nappes of the Alps (Western Switzerland): new markers for Shallow Benthic zones 19-20
    Carles Ferrandez-Canadell, Claudia Baumgartner-Mora, Peter O. Baumgartner, and Jean-Luc Epard - online
  5. Systematic paleontology and biostratigraphy of upper Eocene larger benthic foraminifera from Fanari (Thrace Basin, Greece)
    Vasiliki-Grigoria Dimou, Olga Koukousioura, Gorgy Less, Maria V. Triantaphyllou, Margarita D. Dimiza, and George Syrides - online
  6. Biostratigraphy of larger foraminifera from the Middle Eocene Jahrum-Pabdeh formations (Zagros region, SW Iran) and their correlation with the planktonic foraminiferal zones
    Seyyed Khalil Forouzande, Mehdi Hadi, Mohammad Vahidinia, Lorenzo Consorti, Amir Salahi, Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie, and Ercan Ozcan - online
  7. Extending the stratigraphic range of Nummulites bormidiensis Tellini in the Neo-Tethys (Zagros basin, SW Iran) through biometry and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy
    Mehdi Hadi, Seyyed Khalil Forouzande, Lorenzo Consorti, Mohammad Parandavar, and Mohammad Vahidinia - online
  8. Larger benthic foraminifera and biostratigraphy of the lower Oligocene Asmari Formation: offshore and onshore southern Iran (Zagros belt)
    Mohsen Yazdi-Moghadam, Mehdi Sarfi, Mohammad Sharifi, and Zahra Jahani - online
  9. Nordic Nummulites: An unusual occurrence of Nummulites planulatus from Jyske Rev, Danish North Sea
    Laura J. Cotton - online

Volume 69, No. 3 posted May 2023

  1. Taxonomy and biogeography of living species of the Family Notorotaliidae (Notorotalia, Parrellina, Porosorotalia, Buccella, Cristatavultus)
    Bruce W. Hayward, Maria Holzmann, Wojciech Majewski, Jutta Wollenburg, and Jan Pawlowski - online
  2. Foraminifera of the Eocene Shitakara Formation in eastern Hokkaido, with the designation of neotype specimens of Yoshida (1957)
    Satoshi Hanagata, Den Matsue, and Takashi Matsubara - online
  3. Distribution and abundance of early Miocene foraminifera in the Qom Basin of Central Iran
    Jahanbakhsh Daneshian and Leila Ramezani Dana - online
  4. Multi-proxy record of ocean-climate variability during the last two millennia on the Mackenzie Shelf, Beaufort Sea

    Laura Gemery, Thomas M. Cronin, Lee W. Cooper, Lucy R. Roberts, Lloyd D. Keigwin, Jason A. Addison, Melanie J. Leng, Peigen Lin, Cedric Magen, Marci E. Marot, and Valerie Schwartz - online

Volume 68, No. 3 posted May 2022

  1. The "Bradleya problem", the spearhead of ostracod-based paleoceanography - contribution and outcomes

    Cristianini T. Bergue and Michael A. Kaminski - online
  2. Thoughts on the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic records of deep-sea ostracods
    Marie-Beatrice Forel - online
  3. Abrupt Quaternary Ocean-ice Events in the Arctic: Evidence from the Ostracode Rabilimis
    Thomas M. Cronin, Laura Gemery, Baylee M. Olds, Alexa M. Regnier, Robert K. Poirier, and Sienna Sui - online
  4. Review of the history of the deep-sea ostracod genera Abyssocythere Benson and Dutoitella Dingle, and their responses to Cretaceous - Cenozoic oceanic water-mass changes
    Richard V. Dingle - online
  5. Poseidonamicus (Ostracoda) from the North Atlantic Ocean
    Huai-Hsuan May Huang, Moriaki Yasuhara, Thomas M. Cronin, Hisayo Okahashi, and Gene Hunt - online
  6. Quaternary Ostracoda and Foraminifera from the Pelotas Basin, southernmost Brazil: Assemblage variation in gas-hydrate bearing sediments
    Renata Juliana Arruda Maia, Enelise Katia Piovesan, Geise de Santana dos Anjos-Zerfass, and Robbyson Mendes Melo - online
  7. Recent deep-sea ostracods of the sub-polar North Atlantic Ocean
    Anna B. Joest, Hisayo Okahashi, Alexandra Ostmann, Pedro Martinez-Arbizu, Jorundur Svavarsson, Saskia Brix, and Moriaki Yasuhara - online
  8. Thoughts on the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic records of deep-sea ostracods - Supplementary Data

    Marie-Beatrice Forel - online
  9. Abrupt Quaternary Ocean-ice Events in the Arctic: Evidence from the Ostracode Rabilimis - Supplementary Data

    Thomas M. Cronin, Laura Gemery, Baylee M. Olds, Alexa M. Regnier, Robert Poirier, and Sienna Sui - online
  10. Recent deep-sea ostracods of the sub-polar North Atlantic Ocean - Supplementary Data

    Anna B. Joest, Hisayo Okahashi, Alexandra Ostmann, Pedro Martinez Arbizu, Jorundur Svavarsson, Saskia Brix, and Moriaki Yasuhara - online

Volume 68, No. 2 posted Mar 2022

  1. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Albian-Maastrichtian planispiral planktonic foraminifera traditionally assigned to Globigerinelloides
    Brian T. Huber, Maria Rose Petrizzo, and Francesca Falzoni - online
  2. Rise and fall of rotaliid foraminifera across the Paleocene and Eocene times

    Andrea Benedetti and Cesare Andrea Papazzoni - online
  3. Agglutinated Foraminifera from the Barremian continental rift section of the Reconcavo Basin, Brazil: a microfossil enigma
    Geise de S. Anjos Zerfass, Claudia G. Cetean, Lucas Del Mouro, Christiano Ng, Henrique Zerfass, and Anderson Camargo Moreira - online

Volume 68, No. 1 posted Jan 2022

  1. Re-colonization of hostile environments by benthic foraminifera: an example from Montserrat, Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc
    Malcolm B. Hart, Jodie K. Fisher, Christopher W. Smart, Rebecca Speers, and Deborah Wall-Palmer - online
  2. The Cenomanian-Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE-2) and continuous drowning up to the Santonian of the Western Valles-San Luis Potosi Platform, Central to Eastern Mexico: Biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and paleoenvironments
    Lourdes Omana, Ruben Lopez Doncel, Jose Ramon Torres Hernandez, Fernando Nunez Useche, and Edith Cienfuegos - online
  3. Diatom assemblages from the Tortonian of northeast Indian Ocean (NGHP- 01- 17A): correlation with significant radiolarian and calcareous nannofossil events
    Lopamudra Roy, Amit K. Ghosh, Ajoy Kumar Bhaumik, Arindam Chakraborty, Sarajit Sensarma, and Stuti Saxena - online
  4. Evolution and taxonomy of the Paleogene calcareous nannofossil genus Hornibrookina
    Jean M. Self-Trail, David K. Watkins, James J. Pospichal, and Ellen L. Seefelt - online
  5. Book Review
    Brent Wilson - online

Volume 67, No. 2-3 posted May 2021

  1. Table of Contents

    - online
  2. Molecular and morphological taxonomy of living Ammonia and related taxa (Foraminifera) and their biogeography
    Bruce W. Hayward, Maria Holzmann, Jan Pawlowski, Justin H. Parker, Tushar Kaushik, Makoto S. Toyofuku, and Masashi Tsuchiya - online
  3. Appendices 1-8 and links to Data Availability
    - online
  4. Supplementary Appendix 1

    - online
  5. Supplementary Appendix 2.

    - online
  6. Supplementary Appendix 3

    - online

Volume 67, No. 1 posted Jan 2021

  1. Gephyrocapsa kennettii sp. nov., a new calcareous nannofossil species from the Middle Pleistocene, Solomon Sea, western equatorial Pacific
    Chih-Kai Chuang, Kuo-Yen Wei, Horng-Sheng Mii, Hui-Ying Suk, and Li Lo - online
  2. Benthic foraminiferal biogeography in the southeast Caribbean Sea
    Brent Wilson and Humberto Carvajal-Chitty - online
  3. Moncharmontia De Castro 1967, benthic foraminifera from the middle-upper Cenomanian of the Sarvak Formation of SW Iran (Zagros Zone): a CTB survivor taxon
    Felix Schlagintweit and Mohsen Yazdi-Moghadam - online
  4. Ypresian Alveolina and calcareous nannofossils from the south Sabzevar area (Central Iran): biostratigraphic, taxonomic and paleobiogeographic implications
    Mehdi Hadi, Lorenzo Consorti, Mohammad Vahidinia, Mohammad Parandavar, and Marziyeh Zoraghi - online
  5. Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Zagros Basin (West Iran) with reference to sea-level changes
    Atusa Honarmand, Mohammad Vahidinia, Mohammad Hossein Mahmudy Gharaie, and Meysam Shafiee Ardestani - online
  6. Systematics, age, paleoecology and paleobiogeography of Middle to Late Jurassic benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Jumara Dome, Kutch, Gujarat, India
    Syed Md Wasim, Abu Talib, and Shabber Habib Alvi - online
  7. Transfer of type specimens of Caribbean Foraminifera and Ostracoda to the European Micropalaeontological Reference Centre
    Brent Wilson - online
  8. A Neotype for Neogloboquadrina atlantica (Berggren 1972)

    Michael A. Kaminski and William A. Berggren - online

Volume 66, No. 6 posted Nov 2020

  1. Fusulinids from slope debris flow beds in the Word Formation (Guadalupian, Middle Permian), Gilleland Canyon, northwestern Glass Mountains, West Texas
    Gregory P. Wahlman, George Vaughan, and Merlynd K. Nestell - online
  2. First record of Ditrupa gracillima (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the late Pliocene of Andaman and Nicobar Basin: insights on the ultrastructure, stable isotopic signature and distribution pattern
    Arindam Chakraborty, Amit K. Ghosh, and Shailesh Agrawal - online
  3. Serrakielina moulladei (Pecheux 1995) comb. nov., a further inhabitant of the Caribbean foraminiferal bioprovince during the Paleocene
    Felix Schlagintweit and Lorenzo Consorti - online
  4. New data on Pseudolituonella Marie 1954, emended herein, benthic foraminifera from the Cenomanian of the Sarvak Formation of SWIran (Zagros Zone) - Phylogenetic considerations
    Felix Schlagintweit and Mohsen Yazdi-Moghadam - online
  5. Integrated micropaleontology, sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic D5-D6 Members of the Dhruma Formation, Central Saudi Arabia
    Muhammad Hammad Malik, Lamidi O. Babalola, Khalid Al-Ramadan, and Michael A. Kaminski - online
  6. Coccolithus pelagicus subsp. braarudii morphological plasticity as a response to variations in the upwelling regime of the west coast of Iberia
    Goncalo Prista, Aurea Narciso, and Mario Cachao - online
  7. Hyperammina grosserugosa, nom. nov., a replacement name for Hyperammina rugosa Verdenius and Van Hinte 1983

    Jacob G. Verdenius and Michael A. Kaminski - online

Volume 66, No. 5 posted Sep 2020

  1. Stratigraphic record of Eponides Montfort 1808 (benthic Foraminifera) through the Paleocene carbonates of the northern Neotethys margin
    Lorenzo Consorti, Felix Schlagintweit, Fatih Koroglu, and Koorosh Rashidi - online
  2. Ostracods after the end-Permian extinction in South China: insights into non-microbial survival
    Marie-Beatrice Forel, Antoine Bercovici, and Jianxin Yu - online
  3. Foraminifera in the glacial erratic rock Heiligenhafener Kieselgestein of northern Germany
    Michael Hesemann - online
  4. Loftusia persica Brady, aMaastrichtian larger benthic foraminifera and not an Eocene Lazarus taxon
    Felix Schlagintweit, Hossein Ghanbarloo, Amrollah Safari, and Hossein Vaziri-Moghaddam - online
  5. Foraminifera from the Maastrichtian Garzan and Lower Germav formations of the Arabian Platform (Batman, SE Turkey)
    Derya Sinanoglu, Nazire Ozgen-Erdem, and Bilal Sari - online
  6. Age of the Gachsaran Formation and equivalent formations in the Middle East based on Foraminifera
    Behnam Sakhavati, Mostaa Yousefirad, Mahmoud Reza Majidifard, Ali Solgi, and Zahra Maleki - online
  7. New names for the species Nodosaria catenulata Karavaeva and Nestell 2007 and Nodosaria costata Karavaeva and Nestell 2007 (Foraminifera)

    Nelly I. Karavaeva and Galina P. Nestell - online

Volume 66, No. 2 posted Mar 2020

  1. Late Campanian to early Maastrichtian planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from Cretaceous oceanic red beds (CORBs) in the Yongla section, Gyangze, southern Tibet
    Peiyue Fang, Bo Xu, Brian T. Huber, Shijia Liu, Youhua Zhu, and Hui Luo - online
  2. Potential and limits of benthic foraminiferal ecological indices in paleoenvironmental reconstructions: a case from a Holocene succession of the Po Delta, Italy
    Utsha Dasgupta, Giulia Barbieri, Stefano Claudio Vaiani, and Anupam Ghosh - online
  3. Effects of flow disturbances on Holocene planktonic foraminiferal ecostratigraphy
    Lai Shan Sum, Brent Wilson, and Chantelle Ragoonath - online
  4. Buzasina antarctica n. sp., a new lituolid foraminifer from the Upper Cretaceous at IODP Site 1512, Great Australian Bight
    Michael A. Kaminski, Erik Wolfgring, and Anna Waskowska - online
  5. Richness in recent foraminifera from different locations along Venezuelan coastal ecosystems
    Humberto Carvajal Chitty - online
  6. Abnormal test growth in Larger Benthic Foraminifera from hypersaline coastal ponds of the United Arab Emirates
    Flavia Fiorini and Stephen W. Lokier - online
  7. Foraminifera from the Aruma Formation of Central Saudi Arabia
    Geraint Wyn Hughes, Khalid Ramadan, Mahmoud Nazgah, and Abdulkarim Al-Hussaini - online
  8. Pseudochoffatella minima n. sp., a new Larger Benthic Foraminifera from the Lower Cretaceous of Central Iran
    Felix Schlagintweit, Koorosh Rashidi, and Reza Hanifzadeh - online

Volume 65, No. 6 posted Oct 2019

  1. Quantifying and comparing rates of dissolution and assemblage turnover among planktonic foraminifera; a case study from the Upper Quaternary in ODPHole 926A, Ceara Rise, western tropical Atlantic Ocean
    Brent Wilson, Lee-Ann C. Hayek, and Maria A. G. Pivel - online
  2. The foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Gault Clay Formation (Middle and Upper Albian) at Munday's Hill Quarry, Bedfordshire, UK
    Thomas Fogerty, Malcolm B. Hart, Kevin N. Page, and Christopher W. Smart - online
  3. Ostracods from the Bagh Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of the Narmada Basin, India: Their age and paleobiogeographical significance
    Maya Chaudhary and Madan Lal Nagori - online
  4. Falsonubeculina, a replacement name for Pseudonubeculina Amao and Kaminski 2016 (preoccupied)
    Abduljamiu O. Amao and Michael A. Kaminski - online
  5. Two new foraminiferal taxa from coastal Venezuela: the new miliolid genus Neopateorislopsis n.gen., and the new lituolid species Haplophragmoides venezuelanus n. sp.
    Humberto Carvajal-Chitty - online
  6. From Ammonites to Ammonia, a tale on the early history of micropaleontology by Jacopo Bartolomeo Beccari (1682-1766)
    Stefano Claudio Vaiani, Gian Battista Vai, Anna Maria Borsetti, and Carlo Sarti - online
  7. The lectotype of Ammonia beccarii (Linnaeus 1758) from Jacopo Bartolomeo Beccari's original samples
    Stefano Claudio Vaiani, Gian Battista Vai, and Anna Maria Borsetti - online
  8. Editorial: Micropaleontology celebrates 65 years of scientific excellence

    Michael A. Kaminski and Thomas W. Dignes - online

Volume 65, No. 5 posted Sep 2019

  1. Upper Paleocene to lower Eocene microfacies, biostratigraphy, and paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the northern Farafra Oasis, Western Desert (Egypt)
    Sherif Farouk, Mohamed A. Khalifa, Mohamed M. Abu El-Hassan, Cesare A. Papazzoni, Fabrizio Frontalini, Rodolfo Coccioni, and Amr S. Zaky - online
  2. New data on some type species of Maastrichtian - Paleocene Dasycladales (Green algae) from Iran, Part 2 Hamulusella Elliott in Deloffre and Granier 1992
    Felix Schlagintweit, Koorosh Rashidi, Hamed Yarahmadzahi, Sharam Habibimood, Mahnaz Amirshahkarmi, Hossain Ahmadi, and Mahbobeh Mirjalili - online
  3. Benthic foraminiferal turnover at the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the Caltavuturo Formation cropping out near Santa Cristina Gela (Sicily)
    Andrea Benedetti - online
  4. Influence of an Upper Bathyal Whale-fall on Benthic Foraminifera of Monterey Canyon, California (USA)
    Mary McGann and Lonny Lundsten - online
  5. Jurassic Biostratigraphy in the Persian Gulf, South of Iran
    Zohreh Ghalandari, Mohammad Vahidinia, and Seyyed Reza Mousavi-Harami Mousavi-Harami - online
  6. The coccolithophore family Calciosoleniaceae with report of a new species: Calciosolenia subtropicus from the southern Indian Ocean
    Shramik Patil, Rahul Mohan, Syed A. Jafar, Sahina Gazi, Pallavi Choudhari, and Xavier Crosta - online

Volume 65, No. 2 posted Mar 2019

  1. Conodonts from the mid-Carboniferous boundary GSSP at Arrow Canyon, Nevada, USA
    H. Richard Lane, Qi Yuping, Wang Zhihao, Tamara I. Nemyrovska, Barry C. Richards, and Hu Keyi - online
  2. The Benthic Foraminifera Cassidulina from The Arctic Ocean: Application to Paleoceanography and Biostratigraphy
    Thomas M. Cronin, Julia Seidenstein, Katherine Keller, Kristin McDougall, Anna Ruefer, and Laura Gemery - online
  3. The effect of Early Paleogene sea-level change on biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental settings: An example from north Sinai, Egypt
    Hatem F. Hassan and Mohamed O. Abouelresh - online
  4. Pachycolumella nov. gen., shallow-water benthic imperforate foraminifera and its species from the Maastrichtian and Paleocene of Iran
    Michel Septfontaine, Felix Schlagintweit, and Koorosh Rashidi - online
  5. Anew taxonomic approach to Krithe Brady, Crosskey and Robertson, 1874 (Crustacea: Ostracoda) based on specimens from the Miocene of Chile
    Cristianini Trescastro Bergue, Joao Carlos Coimbra, and Kenneth L. Finger - online

Volume 65, No. 1 posted Feb 2019

  1. Agglutinated and planktonic foraminifera of the Nariva Formation, Central Trinidad, as indicators of its age and paleoenvironment
    Brent Wilson, Philip Farfan, Lee-Ann C. Hayek, Michael A. Kaminski, Abduljamiu O. Amao, Chantelle Hughes, Sadie Samsoondar, Shaliza Ali , Krystella Rattan, and Anastasia Baboolal - online
  2. Microforaminiferal linings as proxies for paleosalinity and pollution: Danube Delta example
    Petra J. Mudie and Valentina Yanko-Hombach - online
  3. Eocene Deep-Water Agglutinated Foraminifera from the Eastern Carpathians (Romania): Paleoenvironments and Biostratigraphical Remarks
    Raluca Bindiu-Haitonic, Sorin Filipescu, Carlo Aroldi, Gelu Oltean, and Carmen Mariana Chira - online
  4. Remarks on the quantitative analysis of deep-sea agglutinated foraminiferal taphocoenoses with special attention to tubular astrorhizids
    Miroslav Bubik - online

Volume 64, No. 5-6 posted Dec 2018

  1. The Tenth International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, April 19-23, 2017

    Michael A. Kaminski and Kamil Fekete - online
  2. A new thin-section based micropaleontological biozonation for the Saudi Arabian Jurassic carbonates
    Geraint Wyn Hughes - online
  3. Initial dispersal (1986-1987) of the invasive foraminifera Trochammina hadai Uchio in San Francisco Bay, California, USA
    Mary McGann - online
  4. Paleocene-Eocene calcareous agglutinated foraminifera from slope marl assemblages of the Fore-Magura Thrust Sheet (Polish Outer Carpathian)
    Weronika Baliniak - online
  5. The occurrence of the invasive foraminifera Trochammina hadai Uchio in Flamengo Inlet, Ubatuba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil
    Patricia P. B. Eichler, Mary McGann, Andre R. Rodrigues, Alison Mendonca, Audrey Amorim, Carla Bonetti, Cristiane Cordeiro de Farias, Silvia H. Mello e Sousa, Helenice Vital, and Moab Praxedes Gomes - online
  6. Agglutinated vs. calcareous foraminiferal assemblages as bathymetric proxies: Direct multivariate tests from modern environments
    Fabrizio Frontalini, Michael A. Kaminski, Rodolfo Coccioni, and Michal Kowalewski - online
  7. Cyclammina saidovae, a new name for Cyclammina pseudopusilla Hanagata 2003 (preoccupied)

    Satoshi Hanagata - online
  8. The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. (Foraminifera) from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation of northeastern Italy
    Luca Giusberti, Michael A. Kaminski, and Nicoletta Mancin - online
  9. Environmental significance and taxonomy of well preserved foraminifera from Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous hydrocarbon seep carbonates, central Spitsbergen
    Hanna Rosa Hjalmarsdottir, Hans Arne Nakrem, and Jeno Nagy - online
  10. Marsh-type agglutinated foraminifera from Upper Miocene sediments of the Danube Basin
    Natalia Hudackova, Jan Sotak, Andrej Ruman, Samuel Rybar, and Ratislav Milovsky - online
  11. Lower Sinemurian - upper Pliensbachian smaller agglutinated foraminiferal events from the eastern part of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Transcarpathian Ukraine, Western Carpathians)
    Stefan Jozsa, Jan Schlogl, Marian Golej, and Christian Meister - online
  12. Neodubrovnikella maastrichtiana n. gen., n. sp., a new larger agglutinated benthic Foraminifera from the Maastrichtian of Iran
    Felix Schlagintweit and Koorosh Rashidi - online
  13. Description, distribution and ecology of living (rose Bengal stained) Eggerelloides camaraensis n. sp.
    Cintia Yamashita, Silvia Helena de Mello e Sousa, Michael A. Kaminski, and Beatriz Dias de Araujo - online
  14. Foraminifera from the 58th and 59th Russian Antarctic Expeditions, 2013-2014
    Valeria I. Mikhalevich and Olga V. Bozhenova - online
  15. Supplement to Agglutinated vs. calcareous foraminiferal assemblages as bathymetric proxies: Direct multivariate tests from modern environments
    Fabrizio Frontalini - online
  16. Supplement to Agglutinated vs. calcareous foraminiferal assemblages as bathymetric proxies: Direct multivariate tests from modern environments
    Fabrizio Frontalini - online
  17. Supplement to Agglutinated vs. calcareous foraminiferal assemblages as bathymetric proxies: Direct multivariate tests from modern environments
    Fabrizio Frontalini - online
  18. Supplement to Agglutinated vs. calcareous foraminiferal assemblages as bathymetric proxies: Direct multivariate tests from modern environments
    Fabrizio Frontalini - online
  19. Supplement to The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. (Foraminifera) from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation of northeastern Italy
    Luca Giusberti - online
  20. Supplement to The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. (Foraminifera) from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation of northeastern Italy
    Luca Giusberti - online
  21. Supplement to The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. (Foraminifera) from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation of northeastern Italy
    Luca Giusberti - online
  22. Supplement to The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. (Foraminifera) from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation of northeastern Italy
    Luca Giusberti - online
  23. Supplement to The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. (Foraminifera) from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation of northeastern Italy
    - online
  24. Supplement to The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. (Foraminifera) from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation of northeastern Italy
    - online

Volume 64, No. 4 posted Sep 2018

  1. Methods relieving comparison of living and death assemblages
    Johann Hohenegger, Maria Virginia Alves Martins, and Fabrizio Frontalini - online
  2. A new species of Idiognathoides (conodont) in the Lower Pennsylvanian Ladrones Limestone of the Alexander terrane, southeast Alaska, and its paleogeographic significance
    Phil Frederick and James E. Barrick - online
  3. Assemblage turnover among Upper Quaternary planktonic foraminifera in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean
    Lai Shan Sum and Brent Wilson - online
  4. Depth distribution of modern larger benthic foraminifera offshore Brunei Darussalam
    Sulia Goeting, Antonino Briguglio, Wolfgang Eder, Johann Hohenegger, Amajida Roslim, and Laszlo Kocsis - online
  5. Douglassites, a new genus of schubertellid fusulinid from the Virgilian (Upper Pennsylvanian) of Elko County, Nevada, U.S.A.
    Michael T. Read and Merlynd K. Nestell - online

Volume 63, No. 6 posted May 2018

  1. Temporal variability in potentially toxic elements (PTE’s) and benthic Foraminifera in an estuarine environment in Puerto Rico
    Michael Martinez-Colon, Pamela Hallock, Carlos R. Green-Ruiz, and Joseph M. Smoak - online
  2. Mid-Carboniferous shallow-water conodonts from northwest Mexico
    Pilar Navas-Parejo, Juan Jose Palafox, Rafael Villanueva, Blanca E. Buitron-Sanchez, and Martin Valencia-Moreno - online
  3. Biometric study of Planorbulina (Foraminiferida) from the Late Eocene-early Oligocene of Portella Colla (Madonie Mountains, Sicily)
    Andrea Benedetti - online
  4. Microbiostratigraphy,Microfacies and Depositional Environment of the Sarvak and Ilam Formations in the Gachsaran Oilfield, southwest Iran
    Mojgan Rikhtegarzadeh, Seyed Hamid Vaziri, Mohsen Aleali, Hassan Amiri Bakhtiar, and Davood Jahani - online
  5. Seafloor topography, paleodepth and bottom water conditions in the Miocene Cipero Formation, Southern Trinidad, SE Caribbean Sea
    Sadie Samsoondar, Xavier Moonan, and Brent Wilson - online
  6. Early Oligocene calcareous nannofossils, planktonic and larger foraminifera from the United Arab Emirates, Oman Mountains
    Osman Abdelghany and Mahmoud Faris - online

Volume 63, No. 5 posted May 2018

  1. Significance of replicates: Environmental and paleoenvironmental studies on benthic foraminifera and testate amoebae
    Fabrizio Frontalini, Fabio Francescangeli, and Eric Armynot du Chatelet - online
  2. Diversity and distribution of benthic foraminifera in the Al-Kharrar Lagoon, eastern Red Sea coast, Saudi Arabia
    Talha A. Al-Dubai, Ramadan H. Abu-Zied, and Ali S. Basaham - online
  3. Distinguishing upper bathyal benthic foraminifera beneath the seasonally variable edge of the Orinoco Plume
    Brent Wilson, Lee-Ann C. Hayek, and Krystella Rattan - online
  4. Distribution and ecology of living (Rose Bengal stained) Marsipella elongata Norman 1878 (Foraminifera) in the Campos Basin, southeastern Brazilian continental margin
    Cintia Yamashita, Rubens Cesar Lopes Figueira, Rodolfo Paranhos, Nancy Kazumi Taniguchi, Sueli Susana Godoi, Renato Carreira, Fabrizio Frontalini, Michael A. Kaminski, Thaisa Marques Vicente, Silvia Helena de Mello e Sousa, Maria Virgínia Alves Martins, and Carlos Eduardo de Rezende - online

Volume 62, No. 6 posted Nov 2017

  1. FirstMiddle Ordovician (Darriwilian) Foraminifers from the Alborz Mountains, northern Iran
    Galina P. Nestell, Mansoureh Ghobadi Pour, Hadi Jahangir, Tatiana Yu. Tolmacheva, Leonid E. Popov, Andrew Hunt, and Puloma Chakrabarty - online
  2. Pforams@microtax: Anew online taxonomic database for planktonic foraminifera
    Brian T. Huber, Maria Rose Petrizzo, Jeremy R. Young, Francesca Falzoni, Silvia Elena Gilardoni, Paul R. Bown, and Bridget S. Wade - online
  3. Comparison of morphometric techniques and the ability to accurately reconstruct the form and distinguish between species of the Palmatolepis winchelli group - Conodonta, Upper Devonian
    Nicholas J. Hogancamp and Lori L. Manship - online
  4. Paleocene-earliest Eocene Larger Benthic Foraminifera and Ranikothalia-bearing carbonate paleo-environments of Costa Rica (South Central America)
    Claudia Baumgartner-Mora and Peter O. Baumgartner - online
  5. Haplophragmoides arcticus, n. sp. – a new species from the Pleistocene of the Central Arctic Ocean
    Michael A. Kaminski, Anna Waskowska, and Septriandi Chan - online
  6. Corrigendum to: Conodont biostratigraphy of the Permian–Triassic Boundary sequence at Lung Cam, Vietnam
    Bruce R. Wardlaw, Merlynd K. Nestell, Galina P. Nestell, Brooks B. Ellwood, and Luu Thi Phuong Lan - online

Volume 62, No. 3 posted Sep 2016

  1. Diversity of foraminifera in a shallow restricted lagoon in Bahrain
    Abduljamiu Olalekan Amao, Michael A. Kaminski, and Eiichi Setoyama - online
  2. Late Campanian-Maastrichtian Kamptnerius magnificus acme in the South Atlantic section of the Southern Ocean, ODP Holes 690C and 700B
    Rodrigo M. Guerra, Andrea Concheyro, Sherwood W. Wise Jr, and Gerson Fauth - online
  3. Status of the UCMP microfossil collection and reference list of its primary types
    Kenneth L. Finger

Volume 62, No. 2 posted Aug 2016

  1. A well-preserved conodont fauna from the Pennsylvanian Excello Shale of Iowa, U. S. A.
    Merlynd K. Nestell, Bruce R. Wardlaw, and John P. Pope - online
  2. Early–Middle Eocene Nummulites and isotope stratigraphy from the Nile Valley and Bahariya Oasis, Egypt
    Safia Al Menoufy, Mohamed Boukhary, Radwan Abul-Nasr, and Omar Cherif - online
  3. Systematics, age, paleoecology and paleobiogeography of Jurassic foraminifera from Fakirwari Dome, Kutch, Gujarat, India
    Bilal Ahmad Bhat, Abu Talib, and Syed Md. Wasim - online
  4. Robert L. Fleisher

    Thomas W. Dignes - online

Volume 61, No. 6 posted Feb 2016

  1. Extant coccolithophores: phylogeny, life-cycles, ecology and biogeography

    Maria Triantaphyllou - online
  2. Coccolithophores in Polar Waters: Papposphaera arctica HET and HOL revisited
    Helge A. Thomsen, Mikal Heldal, and Jette B. Ostergaard - online
  3. Coccolithophores in Polar Waters: Papposphaera sarion HET and HOL revisited
    Helge A. Thomsen, Mikal Heldal, and Jette B. Ostergaard - online
  4. Observations on the morphological diversity and distribution of two siliceous nannoplankton genera, Hyalolithus and Petasaria
    Richard W. Jordan, Kenta Abe, Jarrett Cruz, Ruth Eriksen, Catarina Guerreiro, Kyoko Hagino, Mikal Heldal, David U. Hernandez-Becerril, Elisa Malinverno, Shiro Nishida, Shramik M. Patil, Luka Supraha, Helge A. Thomsen, Maria V. Triantaphyllou, and Jeremy R. Young - online
  5. Coccolithophore combination coccospheres from the NE Mediterranean Sea: new evidence and taxonomic revisions
    Maria V. Triantaphyllou, Boris-Theofanis Karatsolis, Margarita D. Dimiza, Elisa Malinverno, Federica Cerino, Stella Psarra, Richard W. Jordan, and Jeremy R. Young
  6. Extant coccolithophores from the western equatorial Indian Ocean off Tanzania and coccolith distribution in surface sediments
    Katharina Stolz, Karl-Heinz Baumann, and Hannes Mersmeyer - online
  7. Coccolithophore assemblage distribution along a temperate to polar gradient in theWest Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean (January 2005)
    Elisa Malinverno, Maria V. Triantaphyllou, and Margarita D. Dimiza - online
  8. Comparison of living and surface sediment coccolithophore assemblages in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean
    Mariem Saavedra-Pellitero and Karl-Heinz Baumann - online
  9. The composition and distribution of living coccolithophores in the Aegean Sea (NE Mediterranean)
    Margarita D. Dimiza, Maria V. Triantaphyllou, Elisa Malinverno, Stella Psarra, Boris-Theofanis Karatsolis, Paraskevi Mara, Anna Lagaria, and Alexandra Gogou - online

Volume 61, No. 4-5 posted Dec 2015

  1. Studies in Permian and Permo-Triassic microremains

    Merlynd K. Nestell and Bruce R. Wardlaw - online
  2. Conodont faunas from a complete basinal succession of the upper part of the Wordian (Middle Permian, Guadalupian,West Texas)
    Bruce R. Wardlaw and Merlynd K. Nestell - online
  3. An apparatus reconstruction of the conodont Caenodontus serrulatus Behnken 1975
    Merlynd K. Nestell and Bruce R. Wardlaw - online
  4. Middle Permian fish microremains from the Early Capitanian of the Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas, USA
    Alexander O. Ivanov, Merlynd K. Nestell, and Galina P. Nestell - online
  5. Conodont biostratigraphy of the Permian-Triassic boundary sequence at Lung Cam, Vietnam
    Bruce R. Wardlaw, Merlynd K. Nestell, Galina P. Nestell, Brooks B. Ellwood, and Luu Thi Phuong Lan - online
  6. Gondolellid conodonts and depositional setting of the Phosphoria Formation
    Bruce R. Wardlaw - online
  7. Early Permian conodont fauna and stratigraphy of the Garden Valley Formation, Eureka County, Nevada
    Bruce R. Wardlaw, Dora M. Gallegos, Valery V. Chernykh, and Walter S. Snyder - online
  8. Some contrasting biostratigraphic links between the Baker and Olds Ferry Terranes, eastern Oregon
    Merlynd K. Nestell and Charles D. Blome - online

Volume 61, No. 3 posted May 2015

  1. Comparison of three preservation techniques for slowing dissolution of calcareous nannofossils in organic-rich sediments
    Ellen L. Seefelt, Jean M. Self-Trail, and Arthur P. Schultz - online
  2. Methodologies for recovering calcareous nannofossils from bituminous claystone
    Marlone H. Hunnig Bom, Rodrigo do Monte Guerra, Andrea Concheyro, and Gerson Fauth - online
  3. Petasaria heterolepis (Prymnesiaceae) from the Southern Indian Ocean
    Syed A. Jafar, Suhas Shetye, Rahul Mohan, and Shramik Patil - online
  4. Impact of early Oligocene deep water circulation to the benthic foraminifera in the eastern equatorial Pacific
    Hiroyuki Takata, Jong-min Lee, Sabura Sakai, Ritsuo Nomura, Hiroshi Nishi, Akira Tsujimoto, Hyoun Soo Lim, and Boo-Keun Khim - online
  5. Trigonium curvatus sp. nov. and Trigonium arcticum (Bacillariophyceae) from the surface sediments of Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
    Abhilash Nair, Rahul Mohan, Suhas Shetye, Shina Gazi, and Syed A. Jafar - online
  6. A new biostratigraphically significant Late Oligocene Sphenolithus species from the equatorial region
    Mohammed Aljahdali, Sherwood W. Wise, Jr., James E. Bergen, and James J. Pospichal - online
  7. Microfossils from the Early Pliocene Carmen Formation, Monserrat Island, Baja California Sur, Mexico
    Analuisa L. Carreno, J. Ledesma-Vazquez, C. F. Hernandez-Perez, and F. R. Gio-Argaez - online
  8. Emendation and taxonomic revision of Miscellanea juliettae pfenderae and M. juliettae villattea with designation of the respective holotype
    Ursula Leppig and Martin R. Langer - online
  9. The new family Ornatorotaliidae (Rotaliacea, Foraminiferida)
    Andrea Benedetti - online
  10. Upper Cretaceous agglutinated foraminifera from a red sediment interval in the southern Norwegian Sea
    Eiichi Setoyama and Michael A. Kaminski - online

Volume 61, No. 1-2 posted Apr 2015

  1. Advances in ostracodological research - Selected papers from the 17th International Symposium on Ostracoda
    Elsa Gliozzi, Nevio Pugliese, and Radiovan Pipik - online
  2. Brackish and marine ostracode assemblages from the Sinemurian of western Portugal, with descriptions of new species
    M. Cristina Cabral, Jean-Paul Colin, Ana C. Azeredo, Ricardo L. Silva, and Luis V. Duarte - online
  3. New Upper Cretaceous Limnocytheridae (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from Argentina
    Ana Paula Carignano and Gabriela Catalina Cusminsky - online
  4. The taxonomic position of the Cyprideis species (Ostracoda, Cytheroidea, Cytherideidae) that occurs in Lake Issyk-Kul, N.E. Kyrgystan
    Evgenij Schornikov - online
  5. Ostracoda assemblage and the environmental characteristics of the Eocene Succession of the Central Sakarya Region
    Umit Safak, Faruk Ocakoglu, and Sanem Acikalin - online
  6. Early Pleistocene (Calabrian) Ostracoda assemblage and paleoenvironmental characteristics of the Fevzipasa Formation,Western Anatolia
    Alaettin Tuncer and Cemal Tunoglu - online
  7. Ostracod assemblages from HoloceneMiddle Shelf Deposits of southern Evoikos Gulf (Central Aegean Sea, Greece) and their palaeoenvironmental implications
    Theodoru Tsourou, Hara Drania, and George Anastasakis - online
  8. Distribution of recent ostracods near the Ombrone River mouth (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)
    Virgilio Frezza and Letizia Di Bella - online
  9. Ostracoda and foraminifera response to a contaminated environment: the case of the Ex-Military Arsenal of the La Maddalena Harbour (Sardinia, Italy)
    Gianguido Salvi, Carla Buosi, Deborah Arbulla, Antonietta Cherchi, Giovannie De Giudici, Angelo Ibba, and Sandro De Muro - online
  10. Early Cretaceous nonmarine ostracod biostratigraphy of western Liaoning area, NE China
    Yaquiong Wang, Jingeng Sha, Yanhong Pan, and Xiaolin Zhang - online

Volume 60, No. 1 mailed Nov -0001

  1. Advances in agglutinated foraminiferal research: The Ninth International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera, IWAF-9
    Laia Alegret and Michael A. Kaminski
  2. A new methodological approach to evaluate the mass and volume distributions of grains in an agglutinated foraminiferal test
    Eric Armynot du Chatelet, Fabrizio Frontalini, and Francois Guillot
  3. A standard SEM-EDS methodology to determine the test microstructure of fossil agglutinated foraminifera
    Nicoletta Mancin, Elena Basso, Michael A. Kaminski, and A. Umran Dogan
  4. Distribution of modern agglutinated foraminifera along an inner neritic- to mid-bathyal transect in Saros Bay (northern Aegean Sea)
    Fabrizio Frontalini, Eric Armynot du Chatelet, Michael A. Kaminski, Rodolfo Coccioni, Ioulietta Mikellidou, Dogan Yasar, and Ali E. Aksu
  5. Enhanced terrestrial input supporting the Glomospira acme across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in Southern Spain
    G. J. Arreguin-Rodriguez, Laia Alegret, J. Sepulveda, S. Newman, and R. E. Summons
  6. The Eocene-Oligocene turnover of Deep-Water Agglutinated Foraminifera at ODPSite 647, Southern Labrador Sea (North Atlantic)
    Michael A. Kaminski and Silvia Ortiz
  7. Selknamella: a new agglutinated foraminiferal genus from the early Eocene southern high latitudes
    N. Malumian, Carolina Nanez, G. Jannou, and I. Arenillas
  8. Distribution of the agglutinated foraminifer Ammolagena clavata (Jones and Parker) in Western Tethyan Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene deep-water deposits (Outer Carpathians, Poland)
    Anna Waskowska
  9. The year 2010 classification of the agglutinated foraminifera
    Michael A. Kaminski

Volume 59, No. 2-3

  1. PREFACE: Micropaleontology in Egypt
    Mohamed Boukhary
  2. Hanschaubiana, n. gen., from the Eocene of Egypt, with evidence of supplementary life cycles in Foraminifera
    Mohamed Boukhary, Yasmine F. Hussein-Kamel, and Ahmed Ibrahim Abd El Naby
  3. New Late Eocene genus Gaziryina (Foraminifera) from the Al Bayda Formation (ShahhatMarl Member), Al Jabal al Akhdar, Northern Cyrenaica, Libya
    Ahmed M. Muftah and Mohamed Boukhary
  4. Nummulites fichteli Michelotti 1841: a new record from Jordan
    Abdulrahim Hamdan, Mohamed Boukhary, Fayez Ahmad, Radwan Abul-Nasr, and Ahmad Samadi
  5. What is Nummulites praelyelli? Evolution in large foraminifers from theMokattam Formation (Middle Eocene) of Cairo, Egypt
    Mohamed Boukhary, Aly I. M. Hussein, and Ahmed I. Abd El Naby
  6. Environmental and human impact on the macrobiotic assemblage in the Burullus Lagoon, North Nile Delta, Egypt
    Nagia Ameen, Salah El Beialy, Salah Ayyad, Kevin J. Edwards, and Ramadan Abu-Zied
  7. Early Eocene Nummulitids from Wadi Dakhl, Egypt: Biometry and stratigraphic implications
    Mohamed Boukhary, Radwan Abul-Nasr, Safia Al Menoufy, Omar Cherif, and Stefan Hontzsch
  8. Benthic foraminifera from the Oligocene offshore Nile Delta, Egypt and its implications
    Magdy Sallam
  9. Contribution to the stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Cretaceous aquifers, SE Sinai, Egypt
    Sanaa Hussein Attia, Ahmed Ali Ismail, Ashraf Ramadan Shabana, and Alaa Abdelhameid Ismail
  10. Calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal bio-events of the Danian-Selandian transition of the Quseir area, northwestern Red Sea margin, Egypt
    Sherif Farouk and Mahmoud Faris
  11. Maastrichtian–Early Paleogene Ostracoda from the Kharga Oasis and the Nile Valley, Egypt
    Mohamed Boukhary, Mohamed El Amin Bassiouni, Bahay Issawi, Safaa Sharabi, and Hesham Mansour
  12. Foraminiferal biostratigraphy, paleoenvironment and paleobiogeography of Cenomanian–Lower Turonian shallow marine carbonate platform in west central Sinai, Egypt
    Abdalla Shahin and Sharif Elbaz
  13. Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Pliocene–Pleistocene deep marine offshore, north Nile Delta, Egypt
    Nabil M. Aboul Ela, Samy A. Mohamed, and Ahmed Z. Ibrahim
  14. Cretaceous diatoms biostratigraphy and taxonomy from the North-eastern Sinai, Egypt
    Abdelfattah Ali Zalat
  15. Miocene diatom biostratigraphy of Gharandal Group, west-central Sinai, Egypt
    Abdelfattah Ali Zalat

Volume 58, No. 6

  1. Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval based on foraminifera from Valles-San Luis Potosí Platform, Mexico
    Lourdes Omana, Ruben Lopez Doncel, Jose Ramon Torres, and Gloria Alencaster
  2. Living Coccolithophores from the Gulf of Sirte (Southern Mediterranean Sea) during the summer of 2008
    Sergio Bonomo, Michael Grelaud, Allesandro Incarbona, Elisa Malinverno, Francesco Placenti, Angelo Bonanno, Enrico Di Stefano, Bernardo Pitti, Mario Sprovieri, Simona Genovese, Paola Rumola, Salvatore Mazzola, Salem Zgozi, and Patrizia Ziveri
  3. Implications of Kungurian (Early Permian) conodonts from Hatahoko, Japan, for correlation between the Tethyan and international timescales
    Shu-zhong Shen, Dong-xun Yuan, Charles M. Henderson, Junichi Tazawa, and Yi-chun Zhang
  4. Late Glacial–Holocene transition in the southern Adriatic Sea: Coccolithophore and Foraminiferal evidence
    Aurea Narcisco, Jose-Abel Flores, Mario Cachao, Andrea Piva, Alessandra Asioli, Nils Andersen, and Ralph Schneider
  5. Two new short-ranged Calcidiscus species from the offshore marine Neogene Niger Delta sequences
    Lawrence S. Fadiya
  6. Maastrichtian–Paleocene benthic foraminifer holotypes from the James Ross Island region, Antarctic Peninsula
    Brian T. Huber

Volume 55, No. 2-3

  1. Micropaleontology at the North Pole: An introduction
    Michael A. Kaminski and Kozo Takahashi
  2. Morphological variability of the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma from ACEX cores: Implications for Late Pleistocene circulation in the Arctic Ocean
    F. Eynaud, T. M. Cronin, S. A. Smith, S. Zaragosi, J. Mavel, Y. Mary, V. Mas, and C. Pujol
  3. Miocene deep-water agglutinated foraminifera from the Lomonosov Ridge and the opening of the Fram Strait
    Michael A. Kaminski, Lorand Silye, and Severyn Kender
  4. Living diatoms in the vicinity of the North Pole, summer 2004
    Kota Katsuki, Kozo Takahashi, Jonaotarui Onodera, Richard W. Jordan, and Itsuki Suto
  5. Decahedrella martinheadii Manum 1997 - a stratigraphically and paleoenvironmentally useful Miocene acritarch of the high northern latitudes
    Jens Matthiessen, Henk Brinkhuis, Niels Poulsen, and Morten Smelror
  6. Middle Eocene ebridians from the central Arctic Basin
    Jonaotaro Onodera and Kozo Takahashi
  7. Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of middle Eocene silicoflagellates in the central Arctic Basin
    Jonaotaro Onodera and Kozo Takahashi
  8. Arcticacysta: A new organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst genus from the early Miocene? of the central Arctic Ocean
    Francesca Sangiorgi, Henk Brinkhuis, and Sarah Pierce Damassa
  9. Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin
    Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan, and Mahito Watanabe
  10. Significant populations of seven-sided Distephanus (Silicoflagellata) in the sea-ice covered environment of the central Arctic Ocean, summer 2004
    Kozo Takahashi, Jonaotaro Onodera, and Kota Katsuki

Volume 54, No. 3-4

  1. Preface: Recent benthic foraminifera along the southwest coasts of Antalya (SW Turkey) and the impact of alien species on autochthonous fauna
    Engin Meric and M. Baki Yokes
  2. Oceanography and submarine sediment distribution in the Marmaris – Ka region of southwest Turkey
    Mustafa Eryilmaz and Fulya Yucesoy Eryilmaz
  3. A review of benthic foraminifers and ostracodes of the Antalya coast
    Engin Meric, Niyazi Avsar, Atiki Nazik, M. Baki Yokes, and Feyza Dincer
  4. Morphological abnormalities in benthic foraminifers of the Antalya coast
    Engin Meric, Niyazi Avsar, M. Baki Yokes, A. Beril Tugrul, Serdar Beyari, Nur Azyurt, Ipek F. Barut, Nuray Balkis, Kubilay Uysal, and Erol Kam
  5. Amphisorus hemprichii Ehrenberg (Rhizopoda, foraminifera) along the Antalya coast
    Engin Meric, M. Baki Yokes, and Niyazi Avsar
  6. Twin, triplet and quadruplet teratogens in benthic foraminifera from Antalya
    Engin Meric, Muhittin Gormus, Niyazi Avsar, M. Baki Yokes, and Feyza Dincer
  7. Some alien foraminifers along the Aegean and southwestern coasts of Turkey
    Engin Meric, Niyazi Avsar, and M. Baki Yokes
  8. Mineralogical and geochemical features of colored benthic foraminifers from Aegean and southwestern coasts of Turkey
    Huseyin Yalcin, Engin Meric, Niyazi Avsar, Sema Tetiker, Ipek F. Barut, Sener Yilmaz, and Feyza Dincer