In 1980, Robert Liska described the (apparently) monospecific Late Miocene planktonic foraminiferal taxon Polyperibola christiani from the Upper Miocene of Trinidad, as well as from “high in the Late Miocene of the Dominican Republic (fide: Bolli and Saunders 1985, p. 188). The species is characterized by possessing a microperforate test of generally minute size; a pustulose trochoid initial growth stage, supplementary chambers and bullae enveloping earlier portions of the test, and hemispherical, multiple, sutural, apertures with imperforate rims (Liska 1980, p. 137). An examination of test material from Trinidad yielded measurements of maximum diameter ranging from 0.173 to 0.407 mm. Because of the morphological similarity to the genus Globigerinita, Liska placed Polyperibola in the family Candeinidae. Liska (1984) subsequently made additional, detailed /observations on the morphologically similar but taxonomically separate/distinct taxa Globigerinita, Candeina, and Velapertina.