ABSTRACT: As part of the Pliocene Research, Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping (PRISM) Project, we present the ePRISM experiment designed 1) to provide climate modelers with a reconstruction of an early Pliocene warm period that was warmer than the PRISM interval (~3.3 to 3.0 Ma), yet still similar in many ways to modern conditions and 2) to provide an example of how best to ntegratemultiple-proxy sea surface temperature (SST) data from time series with varying degrees of temporal resolution and age control aswe begin to build the next generation of PRISM, the PRISM4 reconstruction, spanning a constricted time interval. While it is possible to tie individual SST estimates to a single light (warm) oxygen isotope event, we find that the warm peak average of SST estimates over a narrowed time interval is preferential for paleoclimate reconstruction as it allows for the inclusion of more records of multiple paleotemperature proxies