ABSTRACT: The Mississippian Kearsarge Formation in Mazourka Canyon east of Independence in east-central California is a unit of extreme lithologic variability.Most of the different lithofacies present, including limestone- and quartzite-boulder conglomerates, limestone turbidites, and quartzose siltstones and sandstones, were transported generally westward as shown by paleocurrent measurements and location of source areas known or inferred to have been to the east. Chert-pebble conglomerates, however, may have been introduced from the north or northeast. Black shale is the only lithofacies composed of sediment that may have been derived from an Antler-age uplift far to the west. The sediment types and distribution of the different lithofacies present in the Kearsarge Formation reflect tectonic events that occurred during development of an Antler-age deformational belt and its foreland basin including the uplift and tilting of a major crustal block east of Mazourka Canyon.