NACSN (North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature) Note 70 is a summary of the activities of the Commission from October 2014–October 2017. This note is condensed from the minutes of the 69th through the 72nd meetings of the NACSN held in conjunction with the Annual Meetings of the Geological Society of America. The 69th meeting of the NACSN was held October 20, 2014, in Vancouver, British Columbia; the 70th meeting on November 2, 2015, in Baltimore, Maryland; the 71st meeting on September 26, 2016, in Denver, Colorado; and the 72nd meeting on October 23, 2017, in Seattle, Washington. Members of the NACSN who served as officers during the period 2014-2017 serve as co-authors of this note and are listed with their roles in Appendix A. The mission of the NACSN is to develop statements of stratigraphic principles, recommend procedures applicable to the classification of nomenclature of stratigraphic units, review problems in classifying and naming stratigraphic and related units, and formulate expressions of judgement on these matters. Commissioners of the NACSN represent various geoscience professional organizations from Canada, Mexico, and the United States who have an interest in maintaining a stable stratigraphic nomenclature. Commissioners and their constituencies for 2014-2017 are listed in Appendix B.