Lithological cycles with a repetitive pattern of sandstone overlain by limestone or shale comprise the middle Minnelusa Formation in the Black Hills region, USA. At least eight lithological cycles were observed at Boulder Canyon Road (BCR), eight at Vanocker Canyon Road (VCR) and four at Hot Brook Canyon (HBC). These rocks were deposited in a nearshore to offshore marine environment, and the shale and limestone intervals at the top of these cycles yielded conodonts. Five biostratigraphically distinct Middle to Upper Pennsylvanian conodont faunas were recovered from these marine units. An upper Desmoinesian assemblage was recovered from VCR cycle 1. Two Missourian assemblages were recovered, one indicative of the Idiognathodus cancellosus Zone from VCR cycle 3 and the other indicative of the Streptognathodus gracilis Zone from VCR cycle 6. Two Virgilian assemblages were recovered, one indicative of the Heckelina simulator Zone from VCR cycle 7, VCR cycle 8 and HBC cycle 2 and the other indicative of the lower part of the “Streptognathodus” group 4 virgilicus Zone from HBC cycle 3. Two conodont biofacies were recognized within the middle Minnelusa, the low energy, offshore, Idiognathodontidae-Idioprioniodus biofacies and the higher energy, nearshore Idiognathodontidae-Hindeodus biofacies.


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