Five alveolinid species were identified from the Naqb Formation of Bahariya Oasis; Glomalveolina telementensis (Paleocene), Alveolina ankarensis (early Ypresian), Alveolina decipiens (early Ypresian), Alveolina recondita (early Ypresian), Alveolina cf. vredenburgi (early Ypresian). They are indicative of the SBZ7-8 Zone. The studied section is mainly composed of multiple Alveolina horizons. An index marker worth mentioning is Alveolina decipiens which is also recorded from the El Nusf Formation of the Farafra Oasis; this allows for correlation between the two sections. Alveolina decipiens of the El Nusf Formation is associated with Nummulites solitarius and Nummulites frassi and indicates that this horizon belongs to SBZ7-8. One species was recorded from the Minia Formation, Nile Valley; Alveolina ruetimeyeri (late Ypresian), SBZ12. Its occurrence in highly carbonate sediments allowed for paleoecologic interpretations.


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